Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pre-dawn oven

As I stepped into the oven that is pre-dawn in Karratha, it occurred to me that I will probably whinge about the cold when I get to Perth!! It was only 30.4 degrees but it felt hotter. If I ever start complaining about the cold I will repeat to myself "no flies, no flies". Right at this second, I would rather the cold and no flies than the heat and flies! My theory is that you can warm up when you run, but it is damn hard to cool down!! And there is NOTHING you can do about flies!

I struggled through 7.6km this morning. It was supposed to be a 10km run, but I slacked out. Percy tells me I walked about 4.8km of it!! I'm not sure how much I really did walk, but it still took me over an hour. I certainly had a couple of walk breaks this morning. I'll get there.

Packing today. The removalist comes on Wednesday. Hubby and I plan on taking a couple of days to get to Perth instead of trying to drive it in one go. We've yet to see Shark Bay and Monkey Mia so we might stop there on the way down.


Anonymous said...

The cold weather in Perth is not so bad and I am sure you will be fine with it.

I hate packing up house!! I have done it so many times and I still can't seem to organise it all properly, lol.

That sounds like a good plan to do a bit of sight seeing on the way to your new home, yikes, how exciting !!!!

Anonymous said...

You just don't realise how much junk you accumulate until you start to pack it up do you ? That's 7.6km you caught up on me today !!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great journey back.

MorseyRuns said...

Good luck with the move- I swear everytime I move it will be the last. You will be so surprised about how fast you can run when it isn't 30 degrees! Percy will think you are a different woman!