Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lots to tell!

I went to the running shop and bought a pair of gloves and a reflectorised vest for my bike. Bob was there and he said he wondered where I got to. He felt bad for me when I told him it was an overuse injury because he knew how much I had improved. He invited me to go riding with the group on Saturday mornings but I'm not sure about that yet. I've got a chunky bike with paniers and I'm slow at the best of times so I'd hate to be at the back of the pack. My confidence is not the best riding on the road either. Bob didn't seem too concerned. He said it would give him an excuse to take it easy. He'd stay at the back with me. Nice bloke, Bob.

Hubby and I went to the bike shop to look at bikes for him. I wanted to buy a pump because it's a pain going to the servo to get air. Hubby ended up getting himself a bike so we'll be able to go for rides together. Hann, we'll have to do a family thing around South Perth and end up at a coffee shop somewhere on our bikes!! I also bought a beanie that fits under the helmet. Now I didn't even know all this sort of guff existed! There's sooooo many accessories you can get. Anyway this beanie is perfect. I wore my gloves and beanie riding to work this week and they were perfect. I think I'll be able to handle the cold now! The beanie covers my ears and the reflectorised vest zips up to my chin so I can bury my nose in it. The only bit of me exposed now is my eyes - I must look really freaky! I also bought another red light for the back of my helmet. I've got lights and the vest and my gloves have reflectorised strips on them, so I should be able to be seen a mile away! But I tell you what, when it gets dark, riding through Kings Park is not particularly pleasant, even down hill. There is NO lighting anywhere along the route and it's tough to even see the path, let alone anyone actually using it. Hence all my lights. I'm like a Christmas tree!!

I had THAT meeting with the physio this week, and while my leg is healing the news is not good. I'm still at least another six weeks away from running. I could cry. I'm pleased I am enjoying the cycling but I want to run. At least by the time I get back on my feet, my fitness will be excellent and I'll be flexible from all the yoga, and I might even be lighter! The physio said I could start doing some walking but no more than 10 minutes at a time. 10 minutes. Who walks for 10 minutes I ask you? You can't even walk around the block in 10 minutes. What does he expect - walk up and down my road?? Then I thought of the treadmill - so............

I have joined a gym!!! I am very excited about this next step in my development. It is the new Next Generation gym at Kings Park. I ride past it on my way to work! How convenient is that???? I can ride to the gym and have a work out before work, (including the dreadmill) and get all my exercise in one foul swoop. Cool eh? Then, as I get better I can RUN to the gym!! I am so excited about all these options. They even have spin classes, so I can join the ranks of the spinners instead of just wondering what the heck that is all about. The gym is literally 5km from my home, perfect commuting distance. It's only 500m from my work - there are showers and lockers, and an iron and ironing board. I'm set! The ONLY problem is that it is so new that it isn't open yet! The gym won't open for two weeks. But I'm paid up and ready (and rearing) to go. I've worked out the times I can do this, factoring in my yoga and my other (goddam) job. So even though it's not for a fortnight, it's given my brain time to adapt.

Hee hee!!! Except for not running - things are pretty good!


Sarah said...

Good on you for joining the gym- I hope you love it. I love your positive attitude despite the injury - it's fantastic to see - many others would use the injury as an excuse to give up.

2P said...

No doubt the universe is unfolding like it should Celeste - if it wasn't for the injury maybe none of these other good things would have happened.

Bah - 6 weeks is nuffin over a lifetime - you will be running in no time.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Celeste, the cycling and the gym will certainly keep your fitness levels up, and the running can wait. You're right about the bike accessories too - you could spend an absolute fortune couldn't you. You are so lucky having a hubby who will ride with you !!

Kathy said...

What a bright bubbly enthusiastic post. It's so good to have cheerful Celeste back!

That's all great news. I look forward to hearing about your gym workouts.

Anonymous said...

I love spin but please don't tell me that people actually take their ironing to the gym.

Iris Flavia said...

Wow, you do a lot of sportive things! All I do is drive to the gym by bike... not even a kilometer, I guess, and then work out at the gym and head back...

Anonymous said...

I apologise for being a total slacko, the book was popped in the mail for you this morning. Along with an article from US Runners World on cycling workouts for runners.

Stoked you have joined the gym, well done!

Ruune said...

I spat the dummy with my gym and stopped going, but I am in the process of putting together a home gym so that I can do some resistance sessions.

It will be interesting to see how you go - my experience was that I was amazed at the impact that a couple of weight sessions a week made on my fitness, weightloss and other cardio stuff.

Have fun.

MorseyRuns said...

Such a good idea joining the gym (and you have reminded me that I should be heading back to mine shortly!) I do love spin but those first few classes will hurt. Make sure you get the bike set up properly at the start and just watch the sweat pour off!

Kathryn said...

Woohoo on joining the gym and all the cool new bike toys :)

I'd check with the physio about spin class - when you do the standing up bits, even though it doesn't have the same impact as running, you're still using a lot of the same muscles. Of course, if it's okay then you'll be getting a headstart for 6 weeks time :D

LBTEPA said...

Gosh you are so positive - well done! (and thanks, just what I needed to hear as am feeling v. unmotivated and whiney today!)
Ohh bike bling, gotta love a new sport where you can buy new toys LOL

Flea said...

Hey there, glad to hear hubby's got wheels too now? Shall we do it Saturday? I will have to double check with my hubby tonight if he planned anything. Sunday I'll be busy, soccer match for oldest boy and my b.b.b.b birthday! LOL
I'll post here later today to tell you if so and if you can let's do it!!

Flea said...

Oki doki, can you guys meet us tmrw?
Say 10:00am at the South Perth Ferry jetty near the cycle path?

Vicky said...

Wow Celeste - yoga and the gym and cycling and walking and then running again too!
You are soooo good! Yay you!
I know it seems like forever, but you will run again. Hang in there.