Thursday, June 21, 2007

New cycling route

I have found a different way to ride home from work!! Kind of sad, really, the things that get me excited... It is slightly longer - but the best part is that there are street lights all the way! I have been riding home that way all week. It is much, much steeper to start with but takes me directly to the river and I get to ride home along the river. Even though I ride the brakes for the first km, the rest of the trip actually requires more effort than my old route. So it's all good really. Longer, slightly more effort and well lit. I feel much safer than struggling through Kings Park in the pitch black. Plus this new way is a lot more populated. I don't really like the first section because it is along the freeway and it reminds me that I'm in the city. (Not that there is anything wrong with Perth - it's just a ... well ... city.) At least through Kings Park I hardly saw traffic and cars - just trees. But then once I hit the river it's beautiful again. A tad breezy, but beautiful. 5km along the river and I hit UWA and I'm almost home! I'm still riding through Kings Park on the way to work, so I've got some variety.

I lost my chain for the first time and managed to put it back on with only minimal swearing. I haven't found that quick release thing that is supposed to be on the chain somewhere, but a bit of gentle prodding seemed to work as well.

I've invested in some thermal underwear. (Boys can stop reading now.) I have never worn thermal underwear and I had no idea it made such a difference!! I shopped around (as you do) and eventually settled on some woollen stuff called "icebreaker" from Mountain Designs. I had no idea that wool could be so soft and light. Plus if I am to believe the brochure it does not retain odours, warms better and breathes better. "This 100% natural fibre is the undisputed champion of outdoor wear. It is silky soft, lightweight and strong. It insulates and breathes perfectly. It doesn't hold odour, stays warm when wet, dries quickly and doesn't itch. What's more, your icebreaker is annually renewable and biodegradable." Sounds impressive, eh? What actually sold me is the fact you can wear it during exercise. I bought a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. I even got a pair of gloves that I can wear UNDER my cycling gloves. I'm still trying to work out whether I can wear my skins at the same time, but that might take a bit more practice. I wore the t-shirt under my shirt when I cycled in to work this morning. It was really good. Nice and warm. I still don't have anything for my nose and face - I'll have to see if they've got anything for your head at Mountain Designs. Might even have to check out the socks now that I know the other stuff is so good.

Gym stuff goes well. I'm doing weights, aqua aerobics and yoga. I missed spin this week which is a bummer. I've treated myself to 5 minutes on the treadmill at 9km/h - moving up from 8.5km/h. Such a speedster! I found it quite challenging, so clearly my cardio fitness is not as good as I would like to think it is. I was pretty happy to finish at 5 mintues. A great feeling to get the heart rate through the roof though. My plan is to stick at 5 minutes but maybe gradually increase the speed when I get comfortable. I ran into Vanessa from the WAMC at the gym and she said that sometimes if people have been injured, they take a long time to get back into it simply because they are frightened they will become injured again. That's EXACTLY where I am at. But at the same time I have become comfortable in taking it slowly, and I am happy in myself not to overdo it. I realise now I was pushing myself too hard, because I thought my progress was too slow. But progress is still progress - I'm learning that now.

Any hints on keeping warm whilst cycling to work would be greatly appreciated.


Kathryn said...

A new cycling route is definitely something to get excited about.

You know what is sad though - I'm sitting here having thermal underwear envy!

Andrew(ajh) said...

I agree with Kathryn, a new, well-lit cycling route is not sad, it is great news, definitely something to get excited about. Regarding keeping warm, I'll let youknow once I spend my birthday money (new cycling jacket I hope). But Skins are great too.

Kathy said...

That's great news Celeste. I like feeling safe when I'm cycling. There's enough to worry about without trying to navigate in the dark.

The thermal underwear sounds like a good idea. I have been layering up but it's all so bulky that it's not really comfortable.

Great news on the treadmill. I'm glad you're being careful about getting back into it. I read a good article in R4YL yesterday about dealing with injury "The Mental Battle? If you haven't seen it, I think you will find it interesting.

Flea said...

This is great news to hear about the new route, yay! Sorry to hear about the chain episode, that's luckily also one thing that I have found I CAN do, yay again.
The thermals sounds great, how's your ears going in the cold, I know even a slight cold wind in day time makes mine ache, I had a mid ear infection years ago and ever since struggle with mine, I put cotton wool in if it's cold but hate it when I hear myself breathing.
Your progress is great, well done!

warriorwoman said...

I'd leave the quick release on the chain, well alone. They can be an absolute bugger to put together again (depending on the type), I only use it when I need to replace the chain with a new one. Sounds like you managed fine though.

Its funny hearing about you buying thermals when I'm scorching on my rides. I still haven't forgotton how bitter it can get though.

Samurai Running said...

"hints on keeping warm whilst cycling to work" Well Celeste I'd suggest strapping that bike to your back and jogging!

No, I feel for you. After coming from Karratha you must be really feeling the cold. But avoid themal underwear at least until you retire.

Iris Flavia said...

Great news with the safer route! Just hard to imagine for me at the moment being in the dark - the sun rises from 04:00 am on and sets around eleven in the evening, so I´m very comfy in light :-)

For winter time I have earmuffs. They are two single hard shells you simply plop over the ears.
For the face I use a simple warm muffler, not attractive, but helpful.

LBTEPA said...

That all sounds lovely - and as Kathryn said, a new cycling route (especially a safer one)IS something to get excited about :)
What colour thernals did you get?

trailblazer777 said...

good to see a gradual increase in speed on the treadmill, before you know it you'll be doing over 10km/h, and those race PB's could improve quite a lot. Have you done some calf raises to strengthen calf muscles? Good move on a new route for the cycling commute. I'm a big fan of a beanie when cycling in colder weather, keep the head warm and the rest doesnt matter as much IMO.

Anonymous said...

Excellent work, you are doing so much, and even a little bit of running too.

I love thermals as well, I stock up at Kathmandu whenever they have sales, theirs are so funky I wear them like normal tops in winter. The superlight merino is fantastic.

MorseyRuns said...

I always imagine that Perth is so warm all year around!. The worst thing about the cold is the tiny little runny nose. My thermals look a bit scungy to wear in public but I layer then on in the mornings while I walk Bella. Delicate cycle when washing the wool ones- I found them to be a bit fragile!

Anonymous said...

Sound like you are progressing well. What about a ski mask for the nose, not the most glam look but no one will see because you are pedalling so fast. Arm warmers the 80's are making a come back :)