Friday, May 04, 2007

Ride in the rain

Well I finally got to ride in the rain today. I still haven't run in the rain, and I'm a little less keen given todays experience. This is what I learnt:

Rain hurts when it hits you at speed.
You have to ride with your eyes squinty or you can't see anything.
The bell doesn't work, unless "clink clink" instead of "ding ding" counts.
You get very wet. All over. (I mean ALL over....)
Rain is cold.
It feels like there's a cobweb on your face. And brushing it off doesn't help.
You get a rather unpleasantly coloured streak running up your back starting right at your butt.
Your brakes don't work very well. (Hmmmm perhaps that's one more reason to consider disc brakes.)
The panier rain covers are obviously only designed for light showers and not heavy downpours.

Still, I've been wanting to ride in the rain, and now I have so I can't complain I guess! I've had a couple of rides where it was a bit damp but this evening was full on rain. Great for the grass.

In other news, I have made remarkable progress at yoga. I have learnt how to breathe! Seriously - this is a big step for me. I can now do that audible breathing thing they do through the nose - it's pretty cool. I still can't do the downward dog, though. The instructor finally took pity on me and showed me the one on the elbows rather than the hands. Woo Hoo! I can do a stretch! I can't even do the child pose - I need a blanket under my forehead. It's quite sad really. But there's another lady in the class as bad as me, and I caught her watching me (I bet she was comparing herself to me!) so I feel a bit better. You know, misery loves company and all that. I was beside a lady who was just awesome - mental note not to stand beside her again for a few months.

Hubby went to the doctor for his ribs. Turns out they are probably not broken and it's only muscular or cartlidge or something and they can't do anything anyway. He's on painkillers for 6 weeks!!! Holy cow! Slow recovery. We got a call from the bike shop - his bike is ready to be picked up. Hee hee!! Like rubbing salt into the wound really! He's VERY cranky and I'll probably have to go and pick it up.

I'm still getting physio three times a week on my leg. We seem to have reached a plateau in the recovery so I got some very very physical massage on it. Crikey it hurt. A lot. I cried. It was as painful as getting capsicum sprayed in the eyes! But you know I think it might have helped. I've still got a bruise from his thumbs but it's not a deep pain, it's more superficial. It's still inflammed so progress is slow.

I'm looking forward to my gym opening and I can get on the treadmill!!! How amazing is that statement. (1. I am looking forward to a gym, and 2. I WANT to run on a treadmill.) My regular readers will see enormous progress in my personal development here!!!!! Amazing how your mindset changes when something you love is taken away. I can't run on the road for a while, so I'll take anything running, anything at all. I'm counting down the days. Still two weeks. My leg will be hopefully up to running a bit by then. Hopefully.


Kathy said...

I was going to add a comment to your last post saying, "surely something has happened on one of your rides that you can tell us about!" Lucky me, you had already posted.

Thanks for all the info about riding in the rain. Now I don't have to do it.

Well done with the yoga. I do that "check the others out" thing in class now. I never used to because I was too busy learning what to do. It is encouraging when you see someone else struggling too.

I'm looking forward to your gym opening too. I hope you love it.

Anonymous said...

You need mud guards (to stop the poo stripe thing) and cycling glasses!

Don't worry, running in the rain is a much more pleasant experience ;-)

warriorwoman said...

I agree, running in the rain is a pure joy, in contrast cycling is just a pain when its wet. Disc brakes do help a load though.

Ruune said...

Well I think you are wonderful for being so excited about cycling still. How much will you love it when you get to run again??

MorseyRuns said...

I remember going into the bike shop and buying a very cheap yet effective plastic rear mud guard (flamingo or similar??) after being the subject of much laughter at the traffic lights- yep, the enormous wet butt!
You are inspiring me to give Pilates a proper go.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Celeste, I agree with the previous comments. Don't let not enjoying riding in the rain, cause you not to try running in the rain. Running in the rain is a joy, riding in the rain is, in my opinion, horrible and dangerous.

Sarah said...

I love your excitement for the gym and the treadmill ... wanna send some of it this way?! ;)

The massage sounds very painful.

Anonymous said...

Now remember that the physio only hurts because he cares.

Great to hear about your keeness to go to the gym and run on the treadmill.

I hear you on things being taken away that you love, but we will return and we will RUN FREE once more.

Spark Driver said...

Thanks for posting on my blog. It always trips me out when "lurkers" send a comment.

Thanks heaps!!

LBTEPA said...

Running in the rain is much nicer than riding in the rain. The physio only does that sort of massage when you've recovered enough for it to be appropriate so it's a good thing! But oooh I am with you on the tears thing... they are excruciating! But they do work.

Anonymous said...

I love running in the rain and lightning makes me run even quicker. Not being a bike rider I can't make any comparisons but I imagine what you say is correct.

2P said...

Did you sing?


Vicky said...

Yep, I'm with all of the others - running in the run is fab, riding in it is NOT !!

Poor you at the physio - I hear ya, I hear ya, I hear ya!!

Hang in there, you're another one that does an awesome job at retaining your sense of humour and positivity. Oh and poor Hubby! Not good!


Samurai Running said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samurai Running said...

Hey Celeste

Thought I'd add my bit but you probaby wish I didn't.

I love running in the rain cause I don't have to stop for toilet breaks!

More info than was necessary ;)

Anonymous said...

Aw Celeste, the massage thing... yeah it can be really painful. I think my MT now knows my 'pain face' when it gets too much :oD somehow I find it easier to cope with knowing it's beneficial pain... and it does always feel so much better afterwards.

Can't wait to read about this sparkly new gym. there are times when I miss Holmes Place (posh gym I used to be a member of, only because Soulmate was so i got it cheapo!). All that lovely equipment... *droools*

Will keep my paws crossed that the leg gets better asap!
