Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wowwy zowwy schmicko gym!!!

I went to the new gym yesterday and my goodness it is flash!! It was PACKED - there must be a row of 20 treadmills and all of them were being used. I plonked myself on one of those recliner exercise bike things - you know the one with the back rest, very comfy - and watched Foxtel on my personal TV!!! All the bikes, treadmills and other cardio equipment have their own TV. I asked the bloke if they had a DVD too but they don't - and I was disappointed! Then I jumped on one of those machines where you stand on it and your feet go in circles and your arms move backwards and forwards (gosh, I don't even know the name of it!) and that was cool fun too! TV with that one as well! I steered clear of the treadmills because I would have ended up running - because I am DESPERATE to run. There is a big spin room which must have 20 or 30 bikes in it. Classes don't start until tomorrow - but I imagine it will get hot and sweaty in there. Then there is another big room which must be for other classes. It's full of colourful swiss balls like in a kids play gym! I haven't really had a good look at the weights yet - I've booked an "assessment" for Monday when I will have a program written for me. I'm sure it will include weights - then I'll get some instruction about what the equipment does. The pool is awesome - only four lanes and 25 metres but fully indoors and heated. Complete with spa, sauna and steam room. The other pool on the rooftop is a bit bigger - apparently also heated but not noticeably! There are four or five squash courts and you can watch the squash from the same level as the change room. Man, the change rooms are flash!! Big and airy and lots and lots of lockers. There are individual cubicles if you want to get changed in private, although I noticed yesterday no one seemed to have any problems ripping their clothes off in front of everyone. They will be offering yoga classes but not at particularly convenient times - I'll have to organise myself. There are NO classes in the early mornings! Can you believe it? Perhaps they will introduce some if there is demand for it.

I wore my cycling clothes into the gym yesterday, and I realised almost immediately that I will need dedicated "gym clothes". I felt quite out of place, my bike pants were too tight and my shirt simply not flowing enough. Fortunately, for people like me, there is a clothing shop on the ground floor. They've thought of everything! (I'm heading back today!!)

The restaurant and cafes do not open until tomorrow - but looks like a nice place for a feed.

How utterly, utterly exciting! I've got everyone here excited about my gym too. My physio thinks it's great, as does my masseuse and those work colleagues who are not already members elsewhere. (Those who are members elsewhere are insanely jealous - and rightly so!)

See you there Vanessa!!!!!!


Ruune said...

Sounds very flash Celeste, sure you will love it with so many cool things to do.

Iris Flavia said...

Awwww.... speaking of being jealous (no! I certainly feel happy for you! ;-)...)
TVs at the cardios???? WOW! I always take a book with me...

Pool(s)? Shops? Space in the change room? Levels? WOW! Sounds like a fun place to go! Mine is cheap, crowded and rather not so up-to-date.
But then again... not too expensive. And good enough, too (I have to tell me that ;-)....)

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds very flash.

I loved your previous post, you have to let your "achilles heal", heal, heel geddit, huh huh???

God I am so childish :-)

You should definitely give the pool running a go, it will help keep you sane. And if your injury permits definitely get along to a spin class, it's a great workout.

Sarah said...

heee hee!! I've never heard anyone so excited about a gym!!! :) That's terrific!!

My gym is pretty crappy in comparison to yours, but the family who run it are lovely and that means a lot.

Em's totally right - get into the spin classes, they're fantastic - as long as your instructor isn't as boring as the one I had this week ...

I'm excited that you're excited!!

Love the idea of the personal TV screens - and I know you won't slack off even if you are watching tele at the same time ... will you!?!!!! ;) Don't become one of 'those' people who just cruise along on the cardio machines ... gosh, my comment is turning into a post - sorry about that!! :)

LBTEPA said...

Ooooh very cool.....
BUGGER BUGGER BUGGER about the achilles injury - but do as your physio says - exactly, not one step more! - and you'll end up stronger and a better runner at the end. Trust Aunty LBTEPA!

Anonymous said...

Even IIII'M excited about your gym now!

Lulu said...

I sympathise with your injury woes. I've battled lots of injuries since I started running.

The new gym sounds very swanky...enjoy. I can highly recommend water running. I did it last year when I had patella tendonitis which took me out for 3 months. It kept up my fitness and I'm told you can get as fit doing water running as you can road running.

MorseyRuns said...

Sounds like I need to come back over and visit you at the gym- it sounds fantastic! I do love spin class- and your bike riding will mean that you won't have that terrible sore butt from your first few classes.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sounds very much like my gym Celeste - now I just need the motivation to get in there!
Hope you enjoy it - I love the sauna and steam room!

Kathy said...

Wow Celeste .. what a post. We're going to need photos!

I hope you enjoy going to the gym as much as I do. Have fun buying essential gym accessories.

Anonymous said...

How utterly exciting about the gym!! Spin classes rock :)

Sorry to hear about your injury woes. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

trailblazer777 said...

sounds like a great gym! enjoy the Foxtel! I think the machines you are referring to are called Steppers.

I was a WAMC member last year, havent got around to joining yet this year but I have the forms and will send em in in a few weeks. I haven't been to the Wednesday run for awhile, but I know the one you mean. I prefer to goto Saturday Hills group 19km-50km sort of stuff trail running!
Did 34km this morning.
I saw your comment on Rich's blog.

All the best with getting the Achilles right I had trouble with mine last year, its a common runners injury and can be annoying, be patient with it, and do what your physio says religiously. Ive heard of people having it for 3-12 months or longer cos they tried to train through it instead of getting it right. I found a regular calf raises program of exercises helped mine a lot. Check with your physio but you may want to try doing 3x30 calf raises daily, with 2 minute breaks between each set of 30. I used to do mine while watching TV, waiting for a train/bus, or on my lunchbreak at work. I got mine right after a month or two.

Rich said...

Wow it sounds like a fantastic gym... I might check it out one of these days. I've been a member at a gym in Sth Perth that has changed hands three times in the past year, Evolution --> Fitness First --> and now south side fitness center (or something). It's a pretty old place and all the brand new equip you mentioned has me very jealous. Mind you since I've taken up running I find myself going less and less these days.

Anonymous said...

Wooooweee! Sounds amazing :o) I really miss the gym I used to go to in Edinburgh, it was well lush, and loads of equipment... I really miss that gym. Wish there was a gym near me that was so great, I went round the local one the other day and it was aaaawful.

Hope you get mucho enjoyment from it Celeste - and sorry to read about the achilles :o( but just think how much stronegr you'll be upon rehabilitation. here's to a speedier than speedy recovery matey :o)
