Monday, August 20, 2007

Open day

Hubby's work had an open day yesterday so somehow I got roped into being a volunteer for the day - crowd control, answering really dumb questions about stuff I know nothing about, and generally being polite and friendly. Man it was tiring - especially that bit about being polite and friendly!!! Some people ask really, really stupid questions. The best one was "Do you use any special cleaning equipment to clean your lights?" What do these people think??? I told them that, in fact, we DO use special cloths - and they seemed satisfied with that! And I don't know how many times I described how to get to the portaloos.

I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I suggested to hubby that we cycle to the open day. You know, get some exercise and sunshine, not worry about parking, etc, etc. It was just a tad over 10km and a lovely ride! Then at about 1pm, after my feet were starting to really hurt, it started raining. It continued to rain steadily for the rest of the afternoon. It was a long day, I was tired, my feet hurt, I hadn't sat down all day and I had to face cycling home in the rain.

I decided to turn the situation into a positive experience (as I am wont to do). I told hubby it would be fun to cycle in the rain. We found ourselves disposable ponchos, got all decked out for a ride in the cold and took off! We took turns overtaking each other, just for fun, and the person in the lead could choose the song to sing. We rang our bells at everyone and hubby said hello to everyone we passed, plus hello to a few birds and trees and fish (we were on the river). It was a hard ride but enormous fun! My legs were aching last night, like they haven't ached for ages.

I'm sure a lot of people raised their eyebrows at us - but by that stage of the afternoon, I just wanted to be at home in the warm and dry!!!

We went and ruined it all by having pizza for dinner, but that was fun too!!!

And now, ANOTHER week of rain....


Iris Flavia said...

What a great idea to put something bad to something fun so easily! Those who raise an eyebrow are just jealous, I think!
Sorry for the rain, but at least you don´t have to feel too bad ´bout water if taking a long shower!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a well earned Pizza to me :-)

Flea said...

You are too funneeee! LOL
I read about the open day in the West and by Sunday I totally forgot about it, I really wanted to come with little man to see the show. Oh well, next 75 years maybe?!
I can imagine the tiredness, I was like that on Friday after Netball and a 1,3km swim at uni ... dinner was Pizza too!! Gosh, are we twins or what!!??

Kathy said...

Sounds like a great day Celeste, even if it was tiring.

I like your style.

running uphill said...

You sure have a knack for seeing the positives! You definitely deserved that pizza.

MorseyRuns said...

You are crazy. And so is hubby. But fun crazy, not weirdo crazy (as far as I know) and that pizza was definitely well earned (not for the bike riding, just being polite to the public)

lg said...

You've got to have a reward for that day!!!