Sunday, October 05, 2008


I spent most of last week in Melbourne for work. The best part of my trip was catching up with Andrew. It was great to finally put a face to the name. We met for coffee and it was like catching up with an old friend. He's a skinny bugger but almost exactly as I had imagined. We talked about people in blogland like we knew them. Andrew is the third person I have met "for real" from blogging. I am usually a little cautious because, well, you just never know, but Andrew was as nice in person as he seems from his blog.

I managed to get in a couple of decent walks and I even spent half an hour on the treadmill in the hotel gym. Melbourne is a great city. The food, the shopping. I went up to the Rialto skydeck which was very cool. Great for tourists.

But now I'm home and I seem to have some sort of chest infection. It's a nasty cough that hurts all the way down. I'm blaming the flight home. There were some sick people on the plane who coughed and carried on. A plane is an enclosed space - no dodging the bugs there. I've been dosing up on the Vitamin C but I think I'm beyond that being helpful. Sigh. Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon.


Andrew(ajh) said...

Skinny bugger indeed ! What a cheek :-)

It was lovely to meet you - I have met lots of bloggers for real (mainly Melbourne ones though) - and haven't come across one yet who hasn't been lovely.

Get well soon !

jojo said...

garlic , echinacea and C is a wonder

Iris Flavia said...

Get well soon!

MorseyRuns said...

I work 50 metres from the Rialto tower! So so so so jealous of Andrew! Hope you had fun in Melbourne town- but I need a promise that you will ring me next time! Get better soon!

trailblazer777 said...

thats the problem with travel you often pick up bugs, I got some sort of flu/cold etc type bog on my last day in melbourne last weekend too...not much fun flying in the plane with them either... The Rialto is cool! I went up there in 1999 I think it was...