Friday, May 11, 2007

Flat tyre

This riding gig is all fun and games until you get a flat tyre. Luckily I'd managed to get to and from my second job and I was heading home. Still, very inconvenient. Of course I am completely incapable of changing a tyre and all I could manage was a sigh of frustration. I locked my bike and took the wheel off. I was pretty proud of myself for managing that much. The next day I rode hubby's bike to work while (don't laugh) I took the flat to the bike shop for them to fix. So this morning hubby gave me and my fixed wheel a lift to work. Now, this is something they don't tell you at the bike shop (and for ages I couldn't work out what was going on). I THINK a tyre should really be fairly flat in order to attach it to the frame, because otherwise the tyre doesn't fit between the brake pads. Well I learnt that the hard way after struggling for quite a while to get the goddam tyre on. It's all experience. And the batteries in my front light needed changing. Yes, ok, I must be pretty silly because I didn't know it took batteries (I don't know what I thought the power source was) and then I couldn't work out how to open it. I had almost decided to just buy a new light when - pop! - the thing opened and two AA batteries fell out. I had bought AAA batteries so d'oh again. I'll learn. I'm now dreading getting a flat tyre on the BACK. I don't even know if I could get that tyre off. Mind you these "quick release" things are handy. Still, nothing quite like the feeling of incompetence when you take a flat tyre to a bike shop. It's that whole look of pathetic sympathy.

I've finished MAR's book "Footprints on the Water". An interesting read. These elite athletes literally live, eat and breathe running. I love running, but I don't LIVE running. That level of committment is incredible. And natural talent was not something I was blessed with either. Still the moral of the book seems to be that being an Olympic Champion means nothing unless you are true to yourself - and a kind of like that philosophy. I am happy to send this book to the next lucky reader. And just to be completely random, I'll send it to the first person who posts a comment that they would like it. If you are an Ausrunner, PM me your address.

My new gym is still not open. Waiting, waiting. My leg is still not better. Waiting, waiting. The latest accessory on my bike is a pouch thing that sits on the crossbar. Good for the mobile and the swiper thing to get into my workplace garage. And my latest "wishful thinking" accessory is trouser clips so I can ride to my second job already dressed and save myself 10 mintues.

For note: I must be getting better at cycling because I love the downhill ride home more and more each day. I'm getting more confident and am braking less. I am confortable hooning down the hill at 30km/h! I can sort of see cars a bit through the trees at some points, and the cars are generally stationary at that time of the evening in peak hour. Love it!!

For second note: I am NOT getting better at yoga. Patience.

*Edit* Gosh I almost forgot!! I had the BEST bike ride on the weekend when I met up with Hann. It was such an amazing experience to meet up with another blogger. We had so much in common! I was quite surprised. But then again, I'm bound to have something in common with someone who has the patience to read my blog!! Or perhaps it was because she already knew so much about me and vice versa! Anyway, more meetings planned on the agenda!


Kathy said...

I thought your "flat tyre" comment on my blog had a certain amount of feeling in it. Now I've heard the story, I understand why you were warning me.

I'm going to try and find a bike maintenance course - I hate the idea of pushing my bike home. I wouldn't have thought of locking it up and taking the wheel, so I'm pleased you posted this.

Glad you enjoyed your meeting with Hann. I'm looking forward to catching up with Sarah in Brisbane next week.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that is the beauty of running, no equipment to let you down.

I think I'd be completely hopeless at Yoga. I struggle simply touching my feet.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Celeste, I'd love to read the book, I'll PM you my address. Thanks so much.
I had a flat on my mountain bike a while ago, and fixed it three times, and it kept going down again and again. I'd failed to see this tiny little staple thing in the tire and each time I fixed the tube and put it back on, it would puncture again, DOH!

Samurai Running said...

Yes, Patience grasshopper!

Anonymous said...

You poor bugger! I'd have taken to to the shop too - in fact I'd have taken the whole bike and got them to re-attach it ;-) Glad you are enjoying the cycling so much

The yoga thing will come, just have patience.

MorseyRuns said...

I pay to get my flat tyres fixed too- it usually isn't expensive and they can do it so quickly without spoons like me!
The brakes will have a quick release too so that you can release them, put the wheel on then put the brakes back on- it is fiddly but worth it.

Sarah said...

I'm with Beki - I would have taken the whole bike in ;) And, yes, looking forward to meeting up with Kathy - a bit surreal I'm sure!

Kathryn said...

I didn't even think about flat tyres with my bike. Yikes.

Btw I had to laugh at your comment about your husband's silver shuffle. The whole reason I chose pink over silver is because I figured it would be easier to find when I lost it.

Flea said...

The minute I read the paragraph about the book I went to the comment box to be the first and d'oh, there was 8 comments already! Ok, back to reading the rest of the post. I'll look out for the book at the local library.

Ouch, a flat? I'm so far really lucky and haven't had one yet, touch wood because I'll have to push my bike home or walk to the nearest fuel station and cry help, pretty please! LOL

I'm glad you like riding, as you know I love it too. I take little man to swimming lessons now every week with the bike but I end up with a sore lower back for some reason? Thinking back pack's fault.

Hey, did you tell every one to check our group photo out too? LOL

We don't have much plans tomorrow ... text me if you guys are bored!
Will have the kids from 11-ish to 3pm-ish.

Gargoyle said...

Next time we meet, I will give you a crash course in "Everything you need to know about cycling, but were affraid to ask the snobby bike shop guy"! It's quite an art...

Bikes can be quite intelligent, emotional and temperamental creatures that sometimes require more psychotherapy than maintenance!

Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste, trying desperately to catch up with everyone's blog. It is sometimes impossible to get on the computer in this family and I can't seem to get my laptop to connect since moving :(

pmsl, I am with Beki and Sarah, I would have taken whole bike as well!! I detest looking as though I don't know what I am doing which is often I might add, lol!

That book sounds as though it would be a touch inspirational, I might also look for it at the library.

LBTEPA said...

Oh no!
I haven't changed a tyre in about 8 years, I'm sure I've forgotten how!

2P said...

It's funny the number of things we never even think about until we are confronted and forced to think about them - I guess we really don't know what we dont know ;-)

Vicky said...

Thats all fantastic Celeste - oh all except the flatty of course! What a pain - I totally agree that bike maintainence and cycling in general is far more complex than one might think until you actually have one. I find it tricky too and really don't use mine much these days, but would like to be really good at it... and know how to maintain it myself!

Glad you enjoyed the book, as Em and I have both commented before, its not the most well-written book, but the story itself is pretty amazing... and scary. Glad to hear Andrew is getting it next!


Iris Flavia said...

I asked a friend´s boyfriend to show me how to change a flat tyre. Since my boyfriend doesn´t have the patience. That was over a year ago. Hence I bet I have forgotten what to do...
I forget things like that when I don´t practice.
Yep. I know the looks they give you for it in the bike shops...

Anonymous said...

I think the whole bike thing just shows that you are a RUNNER in waiting. :)

lg said...

I can totally understand flat tyre frustration - For the life of me I still can't manage to change it. I just look pathetic and wait for my partner to change it!