Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yoga progress

I had yoga today and I am so excited I just had to blog! I did the downward dog for the first time today! Even the instructer was surprised. I heard her say "Well done Celeste" and she started to head over to me to correct my technique but by the time she got to me I had already fallen over. Still, it was definitely 5 seconds of downward dog. Man that's an improvement!! My first beginner pose! It fills me with confidence! I definitely want to continue the yoga - as usual I could feel it working my body, and I can physically see how tight nearly every joint in my body is.

The lady who was discreetly spying on me last week, stood next to me this week. Neither of us can do the dog very well!

In other news, I have spoken to Morseyruns and because of logistical difficulties we won't be able to meet until Monday. Bless her, she asked if I was allowed out on a school night! I'll make an exception in this case!! More about that next week.

Steve, you mentioned that my cold might be your warm - and if it is then I vow NEVER to visit Melbourne in the winter!! We've been getting down to 7 degrees!! I can't remember EVER being that cold! And more to come. Brrrrrrr. Even the cat has been sleeping under the covers. She's never been in the cold either!


Andrew(ajh) said...

Congratulations on the "downward dog" it sounds like you are really making progress. I think I need to start doing yoga too, because I am so tight and inflexible too. You are setting a good example I might just have to follow!

Samurai Running said...

When I saw the title "Yoga proress" I knew you had got that "downward Dog" down.

You'll know you are really making progress when the teacher says "well done Celeste" while scratching your stomach.

jojo said...

you seem like the type of person i should do yoga with.. i find it kinda funny and have to try not laugh...which is very difficult during the one where your feet are supposed to touch the ground above your head(lying down)..maybe its just me but it is weird position to be in

warriorwoman said...

I'd worry if your yoga teacher starts scratching your stomach. Very disturbing.

Well done on the progress, it's a tough pose.

Sarah said...

congratulations on the yoga pose. I remeber the first aerobics class I ever did - after a few weeks the instructor said "sarah, you've really improved" ... I must have been really bad in the first place for her to say that :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, 7 degrees is cold. For that temp I'd be wearing my warm running gear. Here in Melbourne we're not hitting those lows just yet, there just around the corner.

running uphill said...

Well done on the downward dog Celeste, and on sticking at it.

2P said...

Where do they get the names for these moves?

Nice work on the progress Celeste - I have absolutely no idea what a downward dog is exactly but if you've done it and are happy to have done it - well that's good enough for me :-)

Flea said...

Same as Scott, when I read "Yoga progress" I just knew it! Congrats on your downward dog!

I suppose our winter will feel colder than cold to you keeping in mind you guys just came from up North where it's almost never cold?

Kathy said...

Way to go Celeste! I'm glad to hear that your persistence has been rewarded.

LBTEPA said...

Well done Celeste!
And enjoy your visitors!

jojo said...

hi asked about the deep water wear a buoyancy touching the ground..and just run through the water...em and i will be doing some interval trainng..she has posted the program on her blog..good for when you are injured!