Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Great day!

I had a great day yesterday! I was excited most of the day because I had planned to meet morseyruns for dinner. I know this wonderful little Japanese restaurant and I had booked us a table. Because I'm still working two jobs, I am usually late leaving work on a Monday, but at 5.30pm I just walked out of the office (and hoped that no one saw me leave so early!!). I jumped on the deadly treadly to get home and started pedalling as fast as I could because Sara was meeting me at my place at 6.30pm and I needed to shower and change.

THEN, as I was riding through Kings Park in the almost-dark there were a bunch of joggers in front of me. One of them looked familiar - it was Bob! I cycled beside him for a while and told him all my injury woes. He said he was wondering where I'd gotten to. Further up through the bunch of joggers were Jenny and Vanessa. Remember Jenny? She was the one kind enough to run slowly with me the couple of times I made it to the club runs. And speedster Vanessa would start her runs with us, until we got too slow!! I have felt bad that they must have thought I just ditched the club because I had no way of telling them what had happened to me. (I had thought of cycling to a club run just to stay in touch but I haven't!) Anyway, the beanie and helmet didn't really help in the recognition department but it was so good to touch base with them! I cycled beside them, expecting to have to explain my absence - but they have been reading my blog!! (Hi guys!!) They even congratulated me on the downward dog!!! They were in Kings Park on their Monday night run - if only I finished so early on a Monday I would have seen them MONTHS before this!!! We chatted until they turned off to head back up the hill - I was really happy to have caught up with them, but I was now running really late for my meeting with Morseyruns!

I zoomed home and made it home by 10 past 6. I had 20 minutes to shower and get ready and make myself as beautiful as possible to give morseyruns a good impression (the things we do). Nothing like a bit of panic to keep you focused. I was ready at 6.29 when a car pulled into the driveway. But it was hubby coming home from work! I was holding the door open for him when another car drove past really slowly - we're like "that must be her!" She pulled over in front of the neighbours house and walked back to our place. She said "Celeste?" and then it was like meeting an old friend that you haven't seen for years. I was instantly relaxed with her and hubby was there to meet her too. I think she was almost slightly concerned that hubby was coming with us!!! But it was just the two of us that drove off to the Japanese restaurant and we had a fabulous meal. We were like chat, chat, chat, chat all night. Then to another place for hot chocolate and mud cake (diet? what diet?). Thanks for a great night Sara!

I've got some new injury woes after my last visit to the physio, but that will have to wait for another post - this post is too wonderful to go and ruin it with injury!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like the two of you had a lovely evening. I haven't had japanese for ages so you've given me some ideas for dinner out soon...

And mudcake too! Mmmmmmmmmmudcake ;-)

Did you take pictures???

Ruune said...

Glad that you had a fantastic time with morseyruns, and that you got to catch up with all of your running friends.

jojo said...

sounds like a great time was had

warriorwoman said...

Isn't running a friendly ole sport.

Anonymous said...

Glad you caught up with Sara. Too much of a good time and only 24 hours in Perth left me short of time. No fear I am returning to Perth next year and we will go RUNNING.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sounds like a great day had by two great gals!
How great that you didn't need to catch up your running mates on your story cos they'd been reading your blog!

Iris Flavia said...

I´d love to be in Kings Park now! I wouldn´t run, though. Just take the Red Cat and then go for a nice walk to enjoy the scenery!
I wanted to go there by night but to get there via public transport from Landsdale at night was too complicated, at least around christmas.
I guess I never had Japanese food, but it sounds like a great night out :-)

running uphill said...

Sounds like a fun night. Hope the injury is nothing serious (sorry for mentioning it:)

Sarah said...

Sounds like you had a great time, I like that your running club friends have been reading your blog ... hoping the injury news isn't too serious??

Anonymous said...

It's so cool when you get to meet your forum buddies, I had a lovely run and breakfast with Vicky (mad about running) last year and we felt like old mates.

You should keep in touch with your WMAC mates. I am still popping along to my squads training once a fortnight and going to all the races, it keeps me sane.

Kathy said...

Celeste, it sounds as though you and Sara had a lovely time. It's also great to hear that you caught up with Bob and co.

Anonymous said...

Great post Celeste :)

I never envisioned myself meeting up with people from "cyberspace" but I don't know, there is just something about runners I think :D

Flea said...

Now that does truly sound like a great day to me too! Where's the photos??

Injury? OH no!

MorseyRuns said...

I am back in sunny (cold) Melbourne now- thanks so much for the other night- it was so much fun, good food great chat and cake! That Japanese place was fantastic too. (I wouldn't have minded if Hub came- but he might have been bored by the running/work chat!)