Thursday, June 28, 2007

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My ride home from work yesterday is one I will remember for a very long time. It was cold (freezing!!), windy and raining. The rain hit like little icicles which stung when they hit my exposed bits. By 10 minutes in, my hands were numb. My feet were so cold it was painful and when I got home I couldn't feel my toes. My shoes filled up with icy water and my socks just soaked it up and kept the cold close to my skin.

I normally push hard up hills and I say to myself "feel the burn" like a mantra. If I can feel the burn then I know I am working hard. Well yesterday the burn was the only thing keeping me warm!

However I laughed pretty well all the way. No one saw me because no one was fool enough to be out in weather like that - but if they had seen me they would have thought I was insane. I'm not sure if my laughing was hysteria brought about by freezing my butt off, but the ride struck me as hilariously funny.

It was funny because I CHOSE to ride home. I knew what the weather was like and I still went out in it. If, in the future, I question my dedication to this whole exercise guff I will remember that ride. If, in the future, I wonder if I have the will power to keep going - I will remember that ride.

I don't know if anyone has ever experienced an epiphany where everything seems to come into focus - well for me it was yesterday, through the rain and the cold and the gusts of wind that almost knocked me off my bike. THAT'S what was so funny - that clarity could come in such conditions!!


Anonymous said...


Well done on the ride yesterday... :-)

You got it in one ... you chose to ride home, regardless of the conditions. Your choice .....

It is these moments of clarity that separate the real people from the pretenders .... well done.

Enjoy the week

Take care

Eat Em

Kathryn said...

You are crazy :D Well done. A few times I've decided not to run because I'll get wet and could get sick but the other day I thought, would you not go for a swim because you'd get wet???

Anonymous said...

Well Done Crazy Girl. You know you are a serious execiser when the elements don't beat you.

PS Happy Birthday for the 2nd. Wonderful Cancer Girls, Not Crabs at all.

Iris Flavia said...

That reminds me of my time as a student. No matter what the weather, I took the bike. Though I had a car and was living on a hill - but where the uni was, parking was very difficult, and hence...
But luckily I can´t remember freezing my butt that bad off!
Is snowy weather "warmer"?

Flea said...

Did I hear b'day on the 2nd???
Well done, you are a very brave and committed woman. I salute you! :-)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely 100% agree - when BB and I got caught in that downpour and had to run through knee deep flooding and I chose to still go the long way home I knew I was a dedicated nut case ;-)

Keep up the good work! Being out in the elements is a hoot - just be careful :-)

Samurai Running said...

"An epiphany" that is great. I'd take them anyway/anywhere I could get them.

I had to read that line with "exposed bits" a few times as I kept reading the "b" as a "t"

I almost had my own "epiphany."

Kathy said...

Celeste, that's dedication. Good on you for being able to choose to ride home in those conditions.

Mind you, laughing like a maniac while riding along in the cold wet rain is probably one way to guarantee that people will stay out of your way.

jojo said...

ummm.i was out water running in crazy rainy weather outdoors yesterday..and there were a few moments i was laughing like a lunatic..the little flags started looking like a chorus line and i PMSL... it could however have been that i was delirious... well done mate..and yeah i was ffreaking freezing

beakus said...

hee hee - I know what you mean! I did the same, but with running, on the rainy, windy, muddy night we had the other day - and I was smiling whilst I ran!

You're a superstar Celeste :o)

Btw, also loved the post about the gym... It's amazing that one little 'over the edge had enough' moment is all it takes to shift the mind set and make that change. I keep telling myself that one day I'll be a morning runner, but it still hasn't happened... good on you for switching :o/


LBTEPA said...

this post made me smile and smile
I'm so glad you had that moment :)

MorseyRuns said...

Yep, you are now crackers...riding in the rain, laughing crazily and enjoying every second of it- compare that to what you were probably doing a year ago and it seems more ridiculous. Good on you!

Andrew(ajh) said...

Hey Celeste, you are gamer than me riding in that weather. I think half of my problem is I don't want to get my new bike wet - stupid huh!

Kathy said...

On thinking about it, I love the contrast between this post and the previous one. Yeah, sure you're a piker!

trailblazer777 said...

yes officially hardcore slightly mad now...welcome to our world *LOL* take care in those wet conditions, just like wet weather driving more chance of a slide,spill,cut,bruise injury, although in that weather you'd probably be numb to the pain...
Really appreciate warmth, hot food,shower after a wet weather race or session...

epiphany... what an excellent word choice! I agree that its an experience you can look back on later and draw mental strength from along the lines of "I got through that ride in diabolical weather, so I'm going to give this challenge the same determined singleminded effort"...