Sunday, September 28, 2008

Beautiful weather

A beautiful day today. I had a lovely walk down to the river. Heaps of people and their dogs out and about.

I am enjoying just getting out there and trying to find some consistency. I am still at the stage where I am pleased to just go outside. I will not be attempting "distance" or "speed" or anything that remotely puts pressure on me - at least for a little while.

Plus, I am not comfortable dwelling on what was. I want to dwell on what IS. And that is comfortable walking (with the occasional little burst of jog when I get excited!!)

I'm off to Melbourne for work, staying in the city. Might do a couple of laps of the Tan, slowly...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I walked home from work today. I had a choice of via the river or via Kings Park. One of the benefits of living so close to the city. I decided to go home via Kings Park. It is wildflower season and was just glorious. It took me over an hour so I figure that's a nice decent walk. Now I have decided that I am not pushing myself, I can enjoy my exercise. I'm after consistency at the moment and then I can start building speed and distance. I've made a deal with myself. No pushing it until I can prove to myself that I am committed to this. So I've got the luxury of just enjoying the fresh air and sunshine! I love it now the days are getting longer again!!

I also walked the other day but my blog seems to have disappeared. Oh well. As long as I keep it up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another walk

I got up early again this morning and went for another walk. It was not quite as long as the other one but decent enough to get a sweat up. I forgot to get Percy - I just didn't think of it.

Caught the bus and got off early again.

I'm looking forward to this becoming a habit. Now that it's light-ish and warmer, it is actually quite pleasant. I'm looking forward to finding some new walking routes. I have a nice 7km lap that I am not quite up to yet, so I am looking for some shorter routes. It's kind of fun discovering new streets.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

REAL exercise

This morning I got up early and went for a real walk for about an hour. Golly it sinks in how much fitness I have lost - this will be a long term thing I think. I tried to have a couple of little jogs but lasted no more than a minute or so.

No more excuses like yesterday's pathetic attempt. If I want this I will do it.

I didn't start work until 8 this morning - very late for me. I felt like a naughty school girl!! I caught the bus again and the traffic is horrific at that time of morning! I got off at Jacobs Ladder again, mainly because the traffic was at a standstill and it felt quicker to walk the distance. I'd made it all the way along Mounts Bay Road to Mill St before the bus passed me, such was the congestion.

So I walked the distance I walked yesterday from the bus stop PLUS an hour's walk along the river. Time to bring Percy out of retirement and show you my walks again.

More museli for breakfast. I FEEL like I've started again - now just to keep the momentum going. I'll be running again in no time. But I'm not going to push it. That is, I am not going to overdo it. Regular improvement is what I am after - not dramatic change.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Changing habits

Thank you all!!

Well this changing habits thing is harder than I thought. I was all set to go for a "real" run/walk but then other things cropped up - and as I have done so many times in the past few months, my exercise was pushed to the side.

So I'm trying a different approach. I'm working within my existing habits and making them more mobile. For example - there are two buses I can catch to work. One drops me off directly outside my building - the other stops at the convention centre and it is a bit of a hike to my building. Normally I catch the "lazy" bus and mentally congratulate myself for getting to work quickly. Today I caught the other bus and got off one stop early. For Perth locals, I got off at Jacobs Ladder and walked into the city. Not a long walk by any stretch of the imagination, but fairly decent. Then, because I normally get into work very early I eat breakfast at my desk. Instead of my croissants and hot chocolate I got muesli and orange juice. Remarkabley satisfying.

So while my exercise is not up there - yet - I am conscious of the choices I am making.

For the record, I was still cycling to work until a couple of months ago when it was dark when I got to work and dark when I left, and very very cold. I got out of that habit - and perhaps time to get back into it now that the season has changed.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Starting Again

Is it seriously September?? How on earth have I missed so much time??

It is true what they say, when you get out of the habit of doing something, it becomes easier to avoid it again and again.

On a professional note, things are doing well. I work in a great job with fabulous working conditions and I have a passion for what I do. I tend to work long hours, but that really hasn't bothered me because I love it. However, considering it is SEPTEMBER perhaps I should take a look at what I am doing with my time because I always seem to be too busy too blog.

Too busy to blog, too busy to run, too busy to scratch myself, too busy for anything except making excuses.

You know how something happens and it's the kick up the backside you need? Well I had a kick up the backside today and I took a long hard look at myself. And I have concluded that my downward slide of poor time management began when I gave up blogging.

No exercise to report today. In fact no exercise of particular note to report for, ummm, nine months or so. What a great opportunity to start again! If anyone has me on a feed and notices that I'm back - I'd love a hello.