Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bike buster - but not me!

I'm finding I'm not posting as often, because I just don't have anything to say! I mean, how many different ways can I say I cycled to work. At least with running, every run was different. And every one was an acheivement.

Cycling is going well. I think I'm forming a habit because I had the option of driving the car the other day and I chose to ride the bike. Even the cold dark mornings don't turn me off. I'll wait to see how long that lasts however - as it gets colder and colder and colder.

My leg gets better every day. I don't have a constant ache anymore and it really only hurts if I poke it. I still can't bear weight on it (jumping or hopping for example) so I know within myself that there is quite some way to go.

I've had my second yoga lesson. (I really hope my new gym offers yoga because I need all the help I can get.) I was, again, the only person who could not do the downward dog. Apparently this is a basic beginner pose. The most basic of the basic. The yoga instructor was very kind when she told me I had a long way to go. She did not make fun of me at all. She said I MIGHT notice an improvement in my flexibility in three months. Three months!!! Crikey that's a long time to wait. But I don't have anything better to do.....

Hubby has bought himself a new bike but they had to order it in and it hasn't arrived yet. He is very enthusiastic about cycling now (I've created a monster!) so he decided to take my bike for a spin this morning in lieu of having a bike himself. I didn't mind so much, until he came home and told me he had a buster!! He's got a few bruises and scratches and maybe a cracked rib - but he's too stubborn to see anyone about it. Fine. Let him be tough. I have to confess though that all the while I was giving him sympathy and asking if he was alright, I was busting to ask about my bike! What was the damage? Does it still ride OK? I lasted a couple of minutes (I was being strong I think) and then I just had to ask about the bike. It's got a couple of dings but appears OK. He's scratched the seat and the handle bars but nothing appears bent out of place too badly. I was so cranky but I didn't rouse on him. It's my bike - if anyone is to come a cropper on it, it should be me! I've managed to convince him to put ice on his ribs but that is the only treatment he will agree to. Still, he's managing to whinge, complain and be miserable so he must be in pain. He doesn't like my bike anymore. (Like it's the BIKE'S fault he fell off.) If he had his own bike it wouldn't have happened. Yeah right.


Flea said...

Yeah!! I agreeeee! LOL

Kathy said...

Poor hubby. Imagine having dinged your bike. You'll be able to use this against him for years.

As for the yoga pose, if it's a basic beginner pose, the teacher may find it difficult to explain. Think of this as a challenge for her as well as for you.

Kathryn said...

Don't worry about the downward dog, the first yoga class I did we started by kneeling on the mats. Because I had no flexibility in my legs, i couldn't kneel... well i could but only in a way that made my knee bones grind into the floor and was extremely painful!

Even though the downward dog is a basic pose, it's one that requires a lot of strength esp in the upper body - hey, yoga isn't all nice relaxed stretching, you know :)

warriorwoman said...

I've been through the holding your tongue business when my friend fell off my brand new Stumpmeister. Ah well, it looks tougher scuffed up.

I struggle with downward dog too, and getting from that position to having my feet between my hands, requires about 20 little hops, how do people do that in 1 graceful step?

running uphill said...

Hope your bike ... oh and the hubby are okay now.

MorseyRuns said...

You were very good to ask how he was first! Did he say how he fell off? Did you laugh at him or is it a bit early for that??
I am impressed that you even go to yoga- I am totally psyched out by that class- loud music and lycra sure thing, but gentle breathing and stretching no way!

LBTEPA said...

OMG he DAMAGED YOUR BIKE!!And you didn't kill hom? Truly you are a woman in a million (If J did anything to Minerva...well!....)

Samurai Running said...

Told you those bikes can be trouble. Get back to running before you divorce. Still if you did you'd have something else to blog about ;)

Sarah said...

Why do men refuse to see a doctor but then continue to whinge and complain about how sick/hurt/sore they are???!! seriously, hope he's feeling ok though!

Downward Dog ... sounds interesting! Love how they come up with these names!

Andrew(ajh) said...

The other day I returned from a bike ride and my next door neighbour saw my new bike and asked if he could try it. I so wanted to say, "No way buster ..", but couldn't. So, he took it for a ride, and I was frantically waiting for him to return with my bike unharmed, which fortunately he did. Hope hubby is ok.

Anonymous said...

Isn't everybody missing the point. Hubby's ok I hope and surely he deserves a little more sympathy, I would.

Anonymous said...

"I have to confess though that all the while I was giving him sympathy and asking if he was alright, I was busting to ask about my bike!"

That's classic Celeste! :oD I;d have been exactly the same! B****y men and their refusal to see someone if they are hurt. Soulmate did the same after a drunken fall - he definitely cracked some ribs but decided whingeing on was preferable to seeing someone. Possibly the only time I've told him to shut up. I did feel bad though... :o/

Hope that knee continues to improve :o)


2P said...

Man he is never gonna live this one down....

PS I love hearing that you rode to work ;-)

Iris Flavia said...

Men... what else is there to say ;-)
But, well, he is grown up and can decide for himself if seeing a doctor or not...

Aw... I should start with yoga again, too... I got sooo inflexible, like an old woman!

Vicky said...

OMG - poor him, but poor you too - its your bike!!! But believe me, you do not wanna come a cropper off it, its no fun! I smacked up my bike once, sprained my thumb real bad and had lots of cuts and grazes and it was a week before a triathlon too! But I was just grateful that I didn't get run over - I ended up in the middle of a main road!
Give them both some TLC! Men!


Van said...

Hahah, your husband sounds remarkably like me. What a legend! ;)