Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bike owner!

Thank you all for your sympathies!! I'm feeling much better about the whole thing today because I've bought a bike!!!!! I'm the first to admit I know nothing about bikes so I just explained to the young fellow that I wanted to ride to and from work, plus a little bit of exercise. I kind of gravitated to the big and chunky mountain bikes, but he steered me towards something called a "hybrid" which apparently is a mix between a mountain bike and a racer, except that the handle bars are higher so I don't have to bend over as far. I took one for a test ride and I bought it!! It's a GT Nomad (if that means anything to anyone) but I had to buy a new seat. I got the biggest, softest, widest seat I could buy. If I'm gonna ride, then I want to be comfortable! Plus it's white! Looks very cool and sleek!! I got all the optional extras - drink bottle, speedo, front light, back light, mounted lock and a panier. (I asked for one of those side saddle back pack thingos and the young man looked at me with sympathy and told me it is called a "panier".) So now I can commute to work, get my daily exercise AND rest my shins all at the same time!!! I'm back to being quite excited again!

Then, as my shins get better, I'll be able to add on a morning run before my ride to work. Work doesn't start until 9am and I figure it'll only take about 15 to 20 minutes to ride there so that leaves heaps of time for a run beforehand. If anything, it's better than just running to work!! I'll be able to have more variety in my runs including distance and location, and leave the boring ol' commute to cycling!! Now just to get through the next few weeks until I can run again.

I should clarify that the physio is a sports physio and he used to be a runner. He doesn't like running now because of all the injuries it can cause and encourages others to choose alternative forms of exercise, however if they are hellbent on running (like me) he tries to show them the safest way to do so. For me, my first step is to lose some weight and reduce the distances I am running. Walking will be OK for me too, but not for a couple of weeks yet. (I may become one of those damned run/walkers who beat the pants off plodders!!!)


Andrew(ajh) said...

That's great news, and I think a hybrid is a great choice for you. I also think getting a speedo is a good idea, because it will allow you to measure your progress as well. After my ride on my new bike yesterday I think I am go to bet back into biking in a big way, even to the detriment of my running - I hope you will love it as much too!

Samurai Running said...

Hey Celeste

Is it a "GT Nomad mark 1" or a "GT Nomad mark 2"?

Only messing with you. I think I know less about bikes than you do.

They may be a good way to kill the time before coming back to running, but don't forget it is just a temporary thing until you can get back to running.

We can't lose another runner to the bike.

All the best


Flea said...

Sounds great Celeste, where's the picture!!! One thing you'll never loose is your positive attitude, go girl!!

MorseyRuns said...

Great news- and you can still post pictures from your Garmin of your cycling tracks around Kings Park.
I have decided that I am not doing Bunbury without you- there are plenty of HM coming up- including one the week after Bunbury in Melbourne. I was able to cancel the accommodation without having lose any money. I am still coming to Perth so I am hoping we can still catch up.
Remember Dont Hit The Road Without A Helmet!

warriorwoman said...

Thats funny! - you'd definately be one of the fastest run/walkers out there.

Anonymous said...

Yay, well done. My first bike was a hybrid and it got me to and from work faithfully for about 5 years, I had the paniers as well AND the speedo (which has now outlasted 3 bikes)

Fitting in your exercise as your daily commute is perfect, you'll be starting work with a spring in your step and will get home satisfied that the exercise is done.

52Kms is not that far on a bike, you'll see when you get going that you will cover heaps more ground than when you were running.

Sarah said...

I'm so excited for you! The bike sounds great, I've been thinking about getting my old bike out of the garage lately ... but I'm scared!!! You might just inpire me - we'll see ...

Kathy said...

That's great news Celeste. You forgot the most important information. What colour is your bike? Does your helmet match?

Don't be like Andrew, breaking the speed limit all over the place!!

LBTEPA said...

Crikey I KNEW I had to cheer the heck up LOL how shameful to be cited as a misery-guts in blogland!! :)
that's great news about the bike - only mate, don't overdo that either! Maybe ask your physio to recommend the best bike shop for a proper fitting. I love riding as a contrast to running, they are both so much fun but in different ways.

Anonymous said...

Oh Nooooooooooo!!! I have just caught up on your blog Celeste and I am so sorry to hear about your injury woes.

Having said that a definite positive has come out of it, you have bought yourself a shiny new bike.....thats going to definitely build some nice strong running quads ;)

Make sure you keep posting because I want to hear all about your riding and see some maps. I so want a bike its not funny. Have got a spin bike which I love but to actually get out into the fresh air and ride would be awesome!

Happy Riding Celeste :)