Friday, April 06, 2007

A break is as good as a holiday........right?

I found a sports physio on Wednesday. He was a lovely fellow but told me all sorts of stuff I didn't want to hear. OK the bad news first. I have to stop running - temporarily. At least until I get myself better. The good news is I WILL get better. I've had a good cry but I'm coming to terms with it now, after a few days.

My problem is not shin splints, nor stress fractures. It is biomechanics. Or more bluntly, I am too fat to run. I'm doing this whole weightloss/exercise caper the wrong way around!!! I need to lose weight so I can run, not run to lose weight. I will not be able to run again for a few weeks at least, so in that time I need to lose weight or I won't be able to run again until I do.

Remember how I started running to lose weight? But then I changed my focus because I enjoyed running so much. I kind of thought the weight loss would be a bonus effect of the running but it appears it does not work that way! Nothing like a new challenge to focus the mind.

I told the physio about the wonderful online support that I have, at which point he wouldn't write down my condition because he doesn't want me to google it (who me?) and he doesn't want me to hear all the horror stories associated with it. He wants another week to be sure he's got the diagonsis right, but it's something that could easily stop me running permanently. Thanks to all the wonderful advice I got here by telling me to get to a physio, we seem to have caught it early enough.

Anyway, no running or walking for me for about 3 weeks. I intend on cycling everywhere. I was never really into cycling, but now I'm looking at it with new eyes. Quite efficient really, cycling. Good cardio, low impact etc etc etc. I need to buy a new bike. Hopefully I will find a shop open over the Easter weekend and pick up a nice, solid, mountain bike with a big soft seat. I will determine the best bike for me by the colour. (I've got to really hope the salesman knows what he's on about, because I wouldn't have a clue.)

THEN, when I get myself better, I will have to cut down the distances I am running - for the immediate long term. :( Looks like 5km will be tops until I can lose about 20-25 kilos. (Yes, I'm THAT fat.) But 5km is better than 0km. And think of all the speed I can gain in the meantime!!!

Morseyruns, you realise where this is heading don't you?? Bunbury is out for me. :( I was inconsolable on Wednesday. Yesterday was only marginally better. But I've got to have a long term outlook to get through this. Running is still new to me. I'm sure you were all aware of how much I was looking forward to Bunbury. But I want to run in the future. In years to come. Bunbury has a half marathon every year. There'll be another Bridges run too. So I miss this year. Oh well. Next year I'll go down and I'll run it all and I'll be very fit, and much slimmer.

This has been much easier to deal with, ironically, because of all the other miserable people in blogland. Misery loves company eh? My thoughts go to RunMumRun, LBTEPA, and Morseyruns. Especially thinking of Em, who missed R4K and was quite philosophical about it.

Anyway, I've wallowed in self pity long enough. I'm excited about my new bike - whatever it ends up being. I'm motivated, I'm ready to go, and I will follow the physio's instructions to get myself back running sooner rather than later. The physio doesn't like running at all, but that's another story. At least he understands that I do.


Sarah said...

oh Celeste ... You sound like you need a huge hug ... I thought you'd been a bit quiet for a few days.

This is NOT the news we wanted to hear. But as you say, at least this got caught earlier rather than later.

Your attitude towards it all seems pretty positive (after the initial devestation I'm sure). A lesser person would use this as an excuse to give up all together.

The cycling sounds like it might be great for you. I've heard though that a road bike might be a better/lighter option than a mountain bike?? Perhaps post a question on CR for all the tri freaks (meant in the nicest possible way)to see if they have any advice? Or just hope you get a good sales person at the bike shop?!! ;)

You know what's going to happen now? You're going to be an awesome cyclist and then you're going to kick all our butts and start competing in tris!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I would be inclined to seek a second opinion on this one - BB was well over 100kg when he started running and he has just been shaking his head at your blog entry

If it does turn out to be the case that you need to take a break for a while I'm glad to see that you are already planning the alternatives. I found it very hard when I couldn't run for a few months but didn't do myself any favours by not doing any alternative activity. Perhaps you can do some deep water running? That way you have no impact but keep up some kind of running fitness. The bike riding will be excellent too :)

MorseyRuns said...

Oh Celeste that is no good- but only temporarily no good. It will be okay- and I am still going to run at Bunbury (sent my entry off yesterday!!) and I will tell you all about it!
I love cycling- and you can get a good mountain bike for under $500 (don't feel the need to get suspension anywhere other than the front forks).
I feel for you but you know that this running bug wont just go after a few weeks or even months.
Hope your legs are feeling better- don't be a stranger.
(Weight watchers is the only way I can lose weight)

Kathryn said...

Not the best news but it could be much worse - and definitely the best option in the long term. As well as the speed gains from sticking to 5 km, you'll have lost all that weight - there'll be no stopping you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, be wary of the physio who doesn't like running. If you felt thus inclined you could always find a Sports Physio who might be more sympathetic.

My brother started running earlier this year, he was 100Kg, think he is around 94kg now AND has broken both his ankles in the past, one still has the pin AND he is still able to run 3 times a week with no issues.

But you are keeping positive. Have you tried pool running, I did quite a bit when I was recovering from PF. And there are plenty of cross training options, can you join a gym? Before I started running seriously I dropped about 10Kgs by doing Spin Classes, probably the next best thing to running cardio wise and you can go at your own pace. I know Morsey is a big fan of Spin.

Maybe even consider WW, I know plenty of people who have had success with them. My mum included, we all used to eat the meals from the cookbooks growing up and they were always fantastic.

Keep your chin up, 'tis only a minor set back.

Kathy said...

Hi Celeste, I'm really sorry to hear your news. I agree that you might want a second opinion about whether or not you should be running at your weight.

In case the second opinion comes back the same, how about walking to help that weight loss along? I don't know how big you are, but I lost 30 kg last year, and it was mainly due to walking. I'd been losing weight slowly and steadily however I began to see real results when I joined a walking challenge last year. It was worth an increased weight loss of 0.5 kg a week to me.

Go and have a look at the Global Corporate Challenge website. Entering the steps and comparing your progress to other teams is really motivating.

You need a team to walk with - that's 7 people who each have to pay $99 to participate. I know you've just started a new job, so it might be hard to ask people if they are interested. If your company will come to the party, they might subsidise the entry cost for you.

If you can't get a team together, maybe you could start a bloggers challenge along the same lines. I work on a client site, and they didn't want to pay the money themselves, so they organised a "Walk Around Australia" version for their employees. They ended up with 100 people participating over three months. It was great fun and my GCC team won (not that I'm competitive at all).

Given the amount of running you're doing, I'm sure you'd have no trouble walking an average of 20k steps a day and I'd like to meet the physio who was brave enough to tell you that you should give up walking!

Anonymous said...

Hi Celeste
I'm really sorry about your news, must say I feel really sceptical about the physio. I mean, what sort of quack won't tell you the diagnosis in case you find out more about it than him?

Saying you are too heavy for running is a big myth, I was 120kg when I started running, admittedly you probably have to take it a little easier and progress is a touch slower but heck its still possible. And he's stated his position as an anti-runner. I'd definately get a second opinion but I won't go on about it cos I also get the impression there may be a little more between the lines.

You'll love the cycling though! and its great exercise! and it will improve the beauty of your shower no end!

After all this cross training you'll come back to running fully invigorated. As for the bike, I agree about the front suspension only comment, unless you want to fork out tonnes of cash, you'll get a much better bike if you restrict yourself to front suspension - and they are more fun anyway.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Celeste - I'm so sorry to hear your news, but I agree with Beki and Em - I would be seeking a second opinion even if just for confirmation. A physio who doesn't like running hmmm. I refuse to believe that you can be too fat to run. Anyway, the bike sounds a wonderful idea. As you know I'm getting a new bike and am looking to diversify a bit, spend a bit more time cycling. My advice would be to stick with a mountain bike at first. The reason for this is twofold. They are more comfortable and they are heavier and take more energy to ride, which is really what you want if you are trying to lose weight. Then in a year or so when you've lost all that weight you can get the road bike for the tri's! Maybe swimming might be another good option too, a great aerobic exercise and absolutely no impact.
Keep your chin up and keep blogging. Maybe you need to set a kms cycled goal for the little choo-choo :-)

running uphill said...

Hey Celeste - sorry to hear about your news. I'm sure you'll be back into it before too long. Keep blogging and reading the running blogs and you definitely won't lose the running bug.

Flea said...

I'm glad you got some advice from a professional Celeste, bio-mechanics it NOT just a weight factor, it's the angle of your knees over your tibia and ankle, listen to your doctor and rest, good on you for taking cycling up. Get a Cateye for your bike too, it's fun, mine can even predict an avg calorie's burned.
I follow the 5000kJ diet a day from Jenny Craig's I worked for them once and I'm happy to pass the info on to you if you want to try it out, I got a few books too from them. Let me know, my e-mail is on my blog! :)

Ruune said...

Count another vote for a second opinion - if it is a specific condition, then it is serious enough to warrant a second opinion just to be sure. If it is a general "you're too fat to run" thing, then I disagree, because I am lugging plenty of extra kilos around the course every week.

However, if second opinion coincides, then my greatest sympathies. If only because I don't know how I would manage to keep sufficient motivation up to continue the hard work of losing weight without the running thing.