Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Taking it easy

A big virtual hug to you all for your encouraging comments about my run. It really does make it better when you know that there are others who DO understand!!! Hubby took a photo of me and I might post it if I am brave enough. It is not flattering and I am not a small girl. We'll see.

I think RunMumRun was a bit heavier than I thought as I carried her around the run on Sunday because my shins are sore again. I walked to work today with the intention of running home (about 5km) but my shins have ached all day. I tried to run slow and gentle and softly but it doesn't seem to help. During a couple of strides the pain was shooting and sharp - which is never a good sign. I ended up walking home very slowly, and very sadly. I'm still stretching, icing, strapping and putting gel on it.

Yes, I WILL go to a sports physio. The pain was scarey enough that I will not run again until after I have been. Now just to find one....

In the mean time I will cycle to work. I have just started a new job so I don't have a routine of how to get to work yet. Maybe cycling will be it. Warriorwomen will be proud of me I'm sure!! My bike at the moment is really a rather poor excuse for a bike so I will probably buy a new one if I make a habit of this. At least cycling will give me the cardio I desperately need, and some leg exercise too. Better than catching the bus for such a short distance.

As an aside, I caught the bus on my first day of work and it really put me off buses. All those people so close together, coughing and sneezing all over each other. The bus was so packed that the bus driver only let on half the people at our stop and left the others standing there. We all had to literally squeeze in. It was stifling. I'd rather take a bit longer and enjoy the fresh air on the way.


Anonymous said...

Yay for bikes!
Buses are an absolute health hazard and I think they ought to be banned. I hope you soon grow to love the cycling though, I'm an evangelist nowadays which is quite unlike me.
You'll be signing up for a tri soon.
Then in a few years we can meet halfway across the globe for a suitable ironman - hows that for a challenge?

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the extra weight. Tee Hee. I lived in Perth and can vouch for teh buses being sick city. Look after your legs and keep the icing and rest going. Like the idea of biking to work.

Sarah said...

sorry to hear your shins are still sore. I hope you get good news from the physio.

riding the bike to work sounds good. I'm too scared to ride on the roads!

Flea said...

Those shin splits sounds so so sore! I get them occationally while running on the threadmill but when it stops it goes away luckily.
I use to catch the train to work and even while I was pregnant no one had the decent manners to stood up for me, I think many Perth people need a few manners too, I am willing to say so even if I life here! They just all stuck their noses in text messageing or books and pretended not to see me.

MorseyRuns said...

I bike to work and I love it- everyone is so impressed (though it is only 4km!) Hope the new job is exciting . Hope the physio sorts out the shins. Did you see the Bunbury website is updated (I sent off my entry yesterday!)

Vicky said...

Ow Celeste - those shins do sound pretty bad. Having had them, its making me cringe just thinking about it. Definately get some professional treatment and ice heaps - it can be tedious but it helps a lot. And no impact (running) till they stop hurting - the cycling is a good idea.

Hope it gets sorted real soon - I know how frustrating it is.

Take care, MAR. :-)

Kathy said...

Celeste, I'd love to see the photo, but I haven't been brave enough to post one of my own. Maybe we should exchange them via email!

Sorry to hear your shins are sore. It sounds like you're looking after them well. Good luck with the physio hunt.

I'm a bus traveller. I left my car down in Melbourne with my parents while I'm in Canberra, and I walk or bus everywhere. Mind you, there aren't all that many commuters in Canberra - people here get quite distraught if someone sits beside them. In Melbourne I'm a train traveller.

One thing for sure, you sure build up your immunity on public transport.