Saturday, April 21, 2007

I've discovered yoga!!

We have yoga at our workplace so I decided to enrol for one session a week, for an 8 week block. I had my first class this week.

It was awesome!!!

I reckon yoga should be compulsory for everyone! It is so good! Of course I'm an unco gumby with ZERO flexibility but the couple of beginner stretches that I could manage felt great! I could feel it working. Amazing! I was the only one in the class who couldn't manage the "dog" one - but the ones where I got to lie on a blanket to fill my crevices were excellent. We finished with a minute of "breathing" which was pretty cool too. I'm not sure what the deal is with the bell though. The yoga instructor dinged some bell. Ding. Ding. Ding. Scared the crap out of me. I thought we were supposed to be relaxing!!

The classes are run four times a week, and I only signed up for one of them. I think next time I'll sign up for 2! I am so surprised at how good it was. Thankfully I'm in a beginner class - and I'm looking forward to seeing my improvement. PLUS it's gotta be good for my running!!

Roll on Monday so I can get to the physio and find out how my leg's going. Cycling is still good but it's not the same. It's almost cheating somehow because it's not all you. Running has got to be the ultimate exercise.

I'm heading to the running shop today to buy a pair of gloves. It's too damn cold in the mornings now not to have a set of gloves. Last time I was at the shop, I noticed they had running gloves. I thought I might get a pair of those and also use them cycling - sort of like killing two birds with one stone. I hope Bob is there today. He must be wondering about me. I hope he doesn't think I've given up running! The last time I saw him was at the Bridges fun run and on the Wednesday after that I was hobbling around like an old cripple.

By the way, thanks for all the tips about keeping my ears warm! I intend to try all of them! I particularly like the idea of cotton wool Em - that's exactly the problem I have!


Kathryn said...

Yoga is fantastic and it's a great complement to running too.

I dunno what that bell stuff is, I've never done a yoga class where they use a bell.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the Yoga class, I think you will get heaps of benefit out of it. Personally I find it hard to do something like that as I get really easily bored, I have been known to fall asleep during the meditation bits and have even left the room to hop on the exercise bike in the gym during the end bit of the class LOL. It's a shame as I know it would really help my flexibility and reduce my injury chances

Your comment on my blog had me in stitches. I can assure you that it is MY plan to get a good night's sleep!

Flea said...

I discovered Body Balance at my local gym too about two or three weeks ago, I haven't been back, meant to go back. Gosh, same here my hip flexors was the tightest and hurt. I started sweating just through the warm up!!
Body Balance is a mix of yoga and thai chi and pilates, I felt good afterwards too. We had to try the bird stand and I couldn't manage it either LOL, I told hubby and kids and they all could do it but me!! Unfair.

Ruune said...

Yoga will definitely help your running and your cycling. Glad you are loving it so much.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I've never tried Yoga, but have always wanted to. The Yoga classes at my gym are always at an inconvenient time for me. The Sunday paper here in Melbourne tomorrow has a free Yoga DVD with it, so I thought I might try it at home!

Anonymous said...

I try, but I just can't get the hang of Yoga, I must be the only person not in the yoga camp.

Just too inflexible and too impatient to sick at it. The laying on my back and breathing bit was my favourite, it was the only position I could get right LOL

The bell must have been a Buddhism thing.

warriorwoman said...

Sounds like you are suddenly getting a stack of variety into your routine as well.

When your leg is back up to running again you'll probably find you've strengthened all the right bits and you'll be injury-proofed for the future.

Sarah said...

Glad to hear you're enjoying it Celeste - I've never tried yoga either - I'm too impatient!! I should give it a go ...

Kathy said...

The whole idea of standing on my head puts me off yoga.

I'm not sure about this "filling your crevices" either.

Glad you're enjoying it Celeste. I look forward to hearing about your progress.

running uphill said...

Glad you enjoyed the yoga. I try to go once a week and enjoy it with company, but when I try to do some at home I get bored (as well as laughed at).

I'm sure that it will help with your running, cycling, etc and is supposed to be good for your overall health.

2P said...


LBTEPA said...

You're lucky the classes are so convenient and enjoyable, if somewhat strange LOL. You'll find yoga improves all your athletic activities (or so they say, not that I've got off my behind and done a class)
Thanks for the comment mate :)

Anonymous said...

I love Yoga too but cant find a class witha time that works withthe family. Oh and that whole knee wont bend thing. Last time I did yoga was when I was pregnant with MOE and it made all the difference.

I am sure that the Yoga will help get you back running again.

Totally agree about the cycling.