I had a wonderful time at water aerobics last night, but it looks like the deep water running will be a bit difficult because the pool is only 1.1m deep!!! D'Oh! Still, I arrived a little early and sort of ran up and down the pool and that was fun - but weird. There was another bloke doing a similar thing so I didn't feel stupid - just weird. I asked my physio and he said the water should be no lower than my chest or it is too much impact. So I kept low, not knowing if that was the right thing to do or not!!! Em or Jojo - fly to Perth and I'll sign you into my gym and we can do a session in the pool!!! Lulu - I wish I couldn't touch the bottom but I CAN - so I'm going to have to modify "deep" water running to something else.
At the end of the aerobics session my legs felt like jelly and I could barely walk!! I think the cycle home was actually a good cool down - but I'm going to have to rug up like Andrew suggested. The other thing is that it was damn dark, and I am seriously thinking about risking the road on my way home in the dark. At least there are street lights. But it's the road. Hmmmm - lights and really scarey road, or really scarey dark and path? I don't know!!
I'm heading back tonight - there is a SPIN SESSION on at 5.30!!!!! Yippee! It'll be my first one ever!
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That's a shame but my gym pool is like that. I have to go elsewhere if I want to water run.
I love spin.. almost as good as running for a work out.
I'll be flying to Perth in July and sept :)
I hate shallow pools, always scared I'm going to stub my toe when I'm swimming.
Enjoy spin class :)
Celeste, it sounds as though you're a gym convert! I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself.
Make sure you keep the first set of gym clothes you wear, for comparison purposes in the future. I still have mine .. although I've given away all the inbetween sizes as I got smaller.
Weights is great for muscle tone. The rest and recovery are really important. That's when your muscles become stronger.
You sound so enthusiastic .. it's lovely to see that in your blog again. Hugs.
If at all unsure about the road, choose the scary path. If your lights on the bike are okay, I think the path could be less dangerous. I get a bit freaked on the road in the dark. Cars are such dangerous things (especially with the amount of idiots driving them).
Hope you enjoy Spin - for some reason I don't enjoy it.
I never did water aerobics (well, how, my gym has no such thing as a pool!)...
To driving home... I simply don´t understand why there are no bike paths in Perth?!
Is there a reason?
I mean... you have the space there for sure...
Over here bike paths are the most normal thing! This is so dangerous without those, I think I´d take the dark path, too.
And maybe have something to defend yourself, just in case...
I've only been to 2 spin classes and the best bit was getting yelled at.
Are you a member of Next Generation? I plan to visit there with my membership!
But only if they have a good yeller
When I saw the title "Shallow pool" I thought you were going to write about some of the gym patrons that more often than not come from a "shallow pool" a shalllow gene pool that is.
No offence to you though Celeste ;)
Good to hear you getting into the gym and the activities available. So many stories I hear from people joining up but not using it at all (hmm that sort of sounds like me).
With your bright lights on the bike the quickest way home should be fine no matter where... though as I ride to work too most days I try and get out just before the sun takes a rest which seems to be pretty early these days.
Oooh, I'm excited to hear about your spin class ... I don't like being yelled at, but each to their own :) I don't cycle, but damn my first spin class was bloody hard - you might have an advantage having cycled for a while. I'll be interested to hear. Good luck with the dark rides home - I'd be a bit freaked out too I think
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