This first photo is as I enter Kings Park on the UWA corner. The sweet smelling freesias are everywhere. The dominant colour is white and yellow, but there are the occasional red kangaroo paw and some other pink and purple flowers that I don't know the name of.
The freesias are apparently a weed, but I think they are a very pretty weed!
This is the spectacular kangaroo paw. They are dotted throughout the park.... .....except just here where they have been deliberately planted enmasse for effect.
I went for a walk the other day. A real walk. You know, like walking for EXERCISE. Not even on the treadmill. I wasn't game enough to break into a run, but I've had no ill effects and no niggles in the achilles. It was a wonderful change from cycling, although I am comfortable in my routine now. I'm even starting to get to know the other cyclists on my route!! You know how you always pass the same people? We've now moved up from "good morning" to "great day!" or "you left early this morning!"
There is nothing out of the ordinary happening at the moment - everything is blissfully routine. There is no improvement in my fitness levels, although no decrease either! The weights at the gym are on the same level - hmmmm maybe I need to spice things up again, I'm getting too comfortable....
Good to see you taking time to smell/photograph the flowers :-)
Walking - nice.
Well the Mulla Mulla looks pretty but I don't think you can beat the freesia, its smell is divine.
Glad the achilles has taken a break from harassing you! Great photos- I have never seen Kings Park in spring, I might need to.
Hmmmm, nice pics! I could get jealous! Whilst at your place the days are getting longer and warmer, here it´s the other way round.
Enjoy a great and colorful springtime :-)
And if you like to post more pics, that would be great, too!
My photo looks more at home on your blog than mine!
Tell your bloke that my weight loss has gone out the window over the past few weeks - bugger!
Lovely photos Celeste. We've had a cold snap after a few warm days in a row. Quite a shock to the system.
Well done on the walking.
Be careful increasing the weights. Remember the 10% rule! I usually only increase one or two weights in a session. I make sure they are for different muscles if I do two.
It took me a while to work out when to increase. I used to think it was about whether or not it was hard, but I've learned that, for me, it's more to do with my form. I do two sets of reps. If I can complete the second set with good form the whole way, then I know I'm ready to move up a level.
I wish my ride to work was as picturesque as yours! We have kangaroo paws in our garden - they are one of my favourite plants.
Thanks for that link Celeste, great stuff, it really brought back memories!
Lovely photos Celeste! Ah spring, don't you love it.
Thanks for the Pics, Kings Park looks stunning. I know freesias are a weed but I adore them too, the smell just makes me so happy.
While I wait for more great pics maybe you would like to answer me 5 questions? I dared to tag you...
Love the photos Celeste :oD and I am with you about the freesias, I love them, and their smell. They never fail to remind me of my Mooomin :o)
I still maintain that Kings Park is one of the most beautiful parks I have visited, it must be heaven to be so close to it. And one of my rellies has her name on the pioneer women memorial thingy there... :oD
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