Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 1 C25K

I ran along the beautiful East Perth precinct this morning. I dropped hubby off to work and decided to take the opportunity to run somewhere just a little different. So instead of heading down to the foreshore, as I usually would, I headed up the other direction. Lots of trees, parks and shade, and many, many schmicko houses.

I decided to run my own little version of intervals. I downloaded Week 1 of the C25K which is 60 seconds run followed by 90 seconds of walking. I thought I'd do the 60 seconds as a run and the 90 seconds as a slow jog. It was only for 20 minutes. How hard could that be?? Well in my enthusiasm I took off too quick and pushed a little harder than I had anticipated. I managed 4 of the 8 sets before I started walking in the walk breaks instead of jogging! I still pushed hard in the runs but it was not an all out sprint. I have a new challenge. To complete this training run as running and jogging! Man it was hard work!! Meanwhile ol' mate on the iPod is telling me to relax and run slow enough to have a conversation with the person beside me! If there had been anyone beside me, they would have only heard me puffing and panting and hacking and swearing. I think it's just as well I don't wear a heart rate monitor! But at the end of the run I had managed 4km in 33 minutes which includes the 5 minute warm up walk and the 5 minute cool down walk. Not too shabby!!!

And, man, it felt good to be striding out even if it was only for 60 seconds! 60 seconds is short enough that I could still concentrate on form and breathing without blowing up and falling into my comfortable shuffle. It was incredibly hard work, but it has given me the confidence that I CAN run faster - maybe even 6 minute k's. But I have to run a sub 7 minute km first!!


Andrew(ajh) said...

Nice workout - well done!

Kathy said...

That sounds like a great idea Celeste. I think I'll have to try something similar if I'm ever to develop something approaching speed.

I do the swearing thing on the bike when I get to the top of a hill. I can measure progress by the mildness of the swear words. When I'm completely exhausted it's the f word. When I've just about gotten used to it, I start to get religious!

Iris Flavia said...

I got all breathless just whilst reading! And felt good when I had finished reading, amazing!
I´ll never be a runner but it´s amazing what you do!

lg said...

Wow, I really like that idea - definetely a way to keep the motivation up!

Can't wait for the progess reports

trailblazer777 said...

Excellent! Well done! Way to go!

like the gmaps as well can see you went under the Windan bridge. There is a 5km race in January I think that the WAMC puts onthrough some of that area.

My wife did something similiar before her first 5km race a few years back, in that she started off walking for 30-90minutes, with 5 minute runs that became 10minute runs, and after a few weeks they became 25 minute runs, and then I got her doing 500m reps on a grass track, but your routine sounds very good!

Maybe give some thought to going with the HR monitor though or at least check your heart rate via finger on radial (wrist) or carotid (neck) pulses after the faster running for 10 seconds (and multiply by 6 to get average heart rate per minute), just to make sure you don't overstress things too much before being ready for it, for example eart rates above 185-190 not good in the unexperienced athlete.

Going well, keep at it!