Friday, November 02, 2007

Kings Park run

This morning I rode to work early and then went for a 4km run through Kings Park. I took Percy with me but I'll have to upload the maps later. I'm looking forward to seeing the map from this morning! It was a beautiful morning - clear, crisp and utterly delightful. I ran past the reservoir in Kings Park, through the Botanic Gardens and onto the Law Walk which goes right along the edge of the cliff and has spectacular views of the river and CBD. There were two very nasty hills and I was tempted to walk up them but I persisted. Actually, I could have walked up them faster than I ran up them but I didn't want to stop. Ironic really that "stopping" would actually mean going faster. Meh. Apart from the two hills I felt pretty good during the run, so I kept going past my 25 minute cut off and made it to 29 minutes. I would have done 30 but I hit the main road and had to stop for traffic. Once stopped, that was it!!

I'm pretty pleased with the effort today. Now off to my Friday weekly massage!! Unfortunately this is my last one for a while. :( Very disappointing since I've enjoyed the luxury of an hour's massage at work once a week. I might actually have to go to a masseuse in my own time! Horror!!

My chiropractor is disappointed with the progress of my neck - which is surprising since I think it's amazing. He said that 80% of people respond well to chiropractic treatment but for 20% it takes much longer. I'm the 20%. I tell you what though, those 80% must feel INCREDIBLE! I think he's done a marvellous job. My hip is not improved either. Andrew, I'm taking glucosomine tablets now - like you said. Apparently they will be good for me but it will take 6 - 8 weeks to notice anything. We'll see.

I'm still running well, so clearly something is going right.

Edit. Here are Percy's pictures. This is my cycling commute and the next one was my beautiful run through Kings Park and botanic gardens.


trailblazer777 said...

sounds like a lovely run with some wonderful views. Should be some views of the Red Bull Air Race this weekend too....

Like the google maps too, they are fun to play with, I managed to find my brothers house in USA using them.

You are going really well, a 4km or 5km race soon maybe? I'm helping the officials with the WAMC club bridges 10km and 5km this sunday.

Iris Flavia said...

Sadly running and taking pics is out of question, right?
Ahh it sounds all so good!

Kathy said...

Hey Celeste, good on you for running up the hills. It's not easy, is it?

I had a quiet chuckle at your 'once stopped, that was it' as that happens to me too.

MorseyRuns said...

So jealous about your fantastic runs in Kings Park- great work on running up those nasty hills too.

Lulu said...

Hills are nasty.. I've often thought I'd be quicker walking up them and it doesn't matter if you do; it's still good training.

warriorwoman said...

Good on you for keeping to your run up those hills, and I'm sure that it only seems as though it would be quicker to walk.