Monday, January 08, 2007

Bring on the move!!!

Thanks to all your supportive comments. I didn't realise my excitement was THAT transparent!! Don't get me wrong, I have loved my time in Karratha. But this was my run this morning.....

And THIS was my run in Perth...

Hmmmm, where would I rather run?????
It's starting to sink in what a massive decision we have made. I'm feeling a lot of excitement but it's also nervous excitement. This has been a quick decision. But we've got nothing to lose and everything to gain! Our house JUST makes it into the picture above, about 1cm from the bottom and 1mm from the left! How close is that to the city?? I can do my hill training in Kings Park and my long runs along the river.
This morning I only managed to mostly walk 5km. The mind is a powerful thing. After a couple of cool runs in Perth the heat this morning was oppressive. The fly net went on almost straight away and I started noticing awful stuff - stuff that is so common it is not worth mentioning: kangaroo carcases, dog poo, broken glass, red dirt. You know the sort of thing. I slowed to a walk just wanting to be in Perth!! Then I saw a flock of cockatoos feeding in the early morning light and the sun came up over the red rock and it was beautiful again! But for all its beauty, it's just not QUITE enough to keep me here.


Anonymous said...

Dog poo - my pet hate ... I don't know about Perth, but there are plenty of irresponsible dog owners here in Melbourne.

lg said...

Soundslike there is a lot more to keep you motivated and interested in Perth. Nothing wrong with wanting to leave, sounds like it's an experience not too many of us get to live where you currently are but now time to move on.

Stu Mac said...

The move will be a stressful time (it always is, no matter that you want to move), 20 years in the Army taught me that. So take some time out each day for you and enjoy your run.

I am sure you will move forward, the excitment of all these new runs and also being able to join others and see other runners!!!


Stu was here!

Anonymous said...

I love checking out other folks route images. If I had to choose, I reckon I would prefer to run in the bottom image, so thats another vote for Perth, I think.

Vicky said...

I've never been to Perth, but that map of the central city and your run route looks great!

Its true that not many get to run/live where you have been - and I'm sure you'll always remember it fondly, but I can't even imagine it... Kangaroo carcases!?! The worst I have to see is possums, hedgehogs, cats :-( and birds...!

Take care on the move, hear from you once you're on the other side!


Anonymous said...

Oh Celeste, you are going to love running in Perth!!

Good luck with the move and don't stress it will all sort out in the end :)

Wanda Ring said...

Pilbra,you're going to be 5 minutes from central Perth,a jog away from Matilda Bay and a leap from Kings Park.

You poor thing!! :)

That's brilliant! In fact I was up near Kings Park just this weekend thinking it was about time I did a run up there-past Parliament House..and drop a couple of 'blue loo's in the big fountain there.

Does ASIO read your blog?

I'm 'cited for you!!