Monday, January 29, 2007

River run

This is my run this morning. I wanted to run along the river then climb up to Kings Park and come home through the park. I went along the river but the pedestrian access to the park was closed! I knew I could keep going and find another entrance to the park, but I'm still not comfortable on foot in all that traffic! I'm pretty sure there's a way into the park but I'll have to find it on a day when I can explore a bit. So I just stood at the closed gate for a while, disappointed, then turned around and came back the same way.

It's been hot recently in Perth. And I thought I was meant to be escaping the heat! At least it cools down over night so the mornings are still relatively fresh. We haven't got quite to Karratha temps but it's still been unpleasant - air conditioning weather! There always seems to be a breeeze on the river, and plenty of trees for shade so I'm not complaining.

All up today about 8km. I need to start thinking about a longer run in the lead up to Bunbury. But I'm not running the full 8km yet. Percy tells me I'm running faster but I don't seem to last as long as when I was in Karratha. But then I can recover quicker and take off for another burst. I guess I'll settle into it. I may have to concentrate on slowing down! Me!! Ha!!!


Samurai Running said...

Hey Celeste

What race are you going to do in Bunbury? My favorite cousin lives there and if is a race it might be just the excuse I need to visit him.

2P said...

Nice work Celeste - faster is good - but some time slower and longer is good too - just make sure you do a bit of both.

beakus said...

Wow Celeste, you sound like you are loving life in Perth :oD we visited Perth in May, and I think Kings Park is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen, you are so lucky running in and around such a lovely place :o)

As for the speed thing, those short burst will be doing heaps for you, even if you can't sustain them as long. You will settle into it, plus you've got a lot on your plate at the moment with the move. Totally agree with 2p, a bit of both is good :oD

I love that feeling of exploration when you get to a new place - i like to podulate around, snuffling out good spots for coffee and such like :o) part of the adventure I suppose :o)


Anonymous said...

So glad you seem to be enjoying Perth, just work up the speed gradually over shorter distances, and take the longer runs more slowly.

running uphill said...

From flies to traffic! Sounds like you are enjoying it and at least the hot weather won't go on for too long. Glad to hear you are still running (and blogging again!)