Thursday, February 22, 2007

Running club again

Well I turned up to the running club again last night. It was a bit easier and a new person came and asked ME questions!! I ran with Jenny again - but only for the first 3.5km. I told her that I knew the route and she could run at her normal pace. I tried to keep up with her for as long as I could but at about 3.5km she left me behind. I was really pleased with my pace though. I reached 4km in 31 minutes - faster than my fun run the other day. Then I walked for a km and ran the rest of the route. I'm still the slowest, sigh, but I've just gotta keep plucking away. I actually made the route faster than last week - even with my km walk. So I'm improving. Some of the 10km runners had finished by the time I finished the 6km - they just whizzed past me. One lady gave me an encouraging comment as she raced past well on her way to a sub 50 min 10km!

I would have hung around a bit last night but I was off to see Fiddler on the Roof. It was showing at the same complex where the run was, so I jumped into the shower (reminded me of boarding school) and got changed. It was all a bit rushed and I hadn't finished sweating from my run, so the shower didn't really make me feel refreshed. Then me and hubby toddled across the road and watched the show. It would have been easy to ditch the run because of the time factor but I didn't and I'm proud of myself for that!


Anonymous said...

I just love your can do attitude Celeste.

Those times will improve every week, I just know it :0)

MorseyRuns said...

I lose so much energy stressing about fun runs that when I do the distance by myself I go much quicker. I hate that rushed shower, sweat, clothes sticking yucky feeling.

Kathy said...

Way to go Celeste. You'll end up being one of those ads on tv for deodorant .. in your running gear, a spray of deodorant, some snazzy music and there you are, walking along the red carpet with hubby.

Anonymous said...

Well Done Celeste. The hardest part is over, just going there. Looking foward to your first sub 6 min km post. Lived in Perth for 6 years so love to hear about all the places I should have run.

running uphill said...

Good on you for getting out there despite the time factor. It sounds like the run club is going to do wonders for improving your running.

Anonymous said...

Good going - I love these running club updates - I find them inspiring. It won't be too long before you are showing the next newby the route and slowing down to accomodate them.

Flea said...

How was the show, we hope to see it too soon, just got to get my act together and book it.