Friday, February 02, 2007

Nice slow plod

A nice slow run this morning. I took on board some of the comments people have made and concentrated on simply plodding without stopping. I managed almost 6km before I had a break but it was incredibly slow. Still it's nice to know I can continue to plod the distance.

I'm still really enjoying the cool mornings in Perth. It can heat up during the day but at least there is some respite overnight. It is beautiful along the river. I stopped at the tearooms on the way home and met hubby for a cup of tea. It was meant to be a cup of tea, but I had taken so long to get there that he ordered bacon and eggs. I sat with him for a while and then went home for a shower - it was not quite the environment to be stinky and sweaty. All up about 7km.
I'm excited about my funrun on Feb 11. 4km sounds perfect and I am confident I will last the distance. I'll aim for 30minutes but I'll be pleased with anything less than 32. That's 8min k's. It might still be a bit beyond me, but I'm hoping the nervousness of the race will help me pick up the pace. I will have to remember to start conservatively or I'll run out of puff!!
Oh and another thing, there are hills in my neighbourhood. Nothing heart shattering or anything but varieties and undulations. I have discovered I like hills!! Sure they are hard work, but you can feel the different muscles working and the reward when you get to the crest is wonderful! I can coast down the other side, to start climbing the next one. I'm starting to notice that I can get my breath back and still be plodding - amazing! I can even almost (ALMOST) talk while I run!! Huge changes!


Anonymous said...

Hills are good, you do learn to like them because they make you so strong, and thankfully most of them have a downhill!

2P said...

Nice work Celeste running 6k without a break is wonderful achievement.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a slow run. I reckon it is the slow ones that are often the most relaxing and rewarding. Well done on the non-stop 6Km.

MorseyRuns said...

Good work on the 6km- and I am glad you are excited about hills- I am normally very very unhappy about them.

Kathy said...

Celeste I came across your blog from a comment in a Runner's World forum. I'm a beginning runner, and you've inspired me to blog too. The furthest I've run so far without a break is 4km, so 6km sounds impressive to me. Good luck with the fun run!