Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I am making progress

I struggled through 5km this morning. Actually, I surprised myself. I wanted to do 5km but found it really hard at 4km and managed to keep going. No watch again today - which is just as well because my last km was slow. But at the moment, I am quite content with my plodding. I'm pleased I managed 5km and whilst it wasn't comfortable, it wasn't soul-shatteringly hard either.

I'm not sure why but today I felt kinda pleased with myself. I was thinking about how far I have come in my running from a zero start (and still thinking about how far I have yet to go). But there is something about quietly plodding that is enjoyable and relaxing in a weird kind of way. And I am making progress. Slow - definitely. But progress nonetheless. 10km doesn't seem so far anymore, nor does running for an hour and a half. A few short months ago, 1km was beyond me. Now 1km is like a warm up!!!

One good thing about the heat - I'm drinking heaps of water! I can get through 4 or 5 litres a day without too much drama. That helps the food intake too. Instead of eating, I have a drink of water. I'm into almonds at the moment too. I can munch on a handful of almonds and snack for 2 or 3 hours. Much better than chippies or chocolate!!!


Ruune said...

Well done on the improvement. Sometimes you just have to stop and be thankful for the little achievements along the way.

Vicky said...

A-ha! So this is where you hang out! Thanks for your comments my way. I love your enthusiasim and with your attitude you will keep improving. Don't be so hard on yourself about your speed, the main thing is that you're getting out there consistantly and your fitness is improving all the time. Just keep enjoying it! It must be so hard running in that heat - I love the summer here, but don't think I could stand it there!


Kathryn said...

Well done on the 5ks. It's such a great feeling when you push yourself and achieve something like that. Who cares how slow you go, so long as you keep going :)

beakus said...

I completely agree about the 'quietly plodding' thing - finding that rythym, shuffling along, I couldn't be happier :o) and good on you to keep going for that last k.

I am well impressed by your progress... and you're right, once you hit that magical 5k barrier anything seems possible :o)

I am still not quite up to running for a full 5k yet, but won't be long!

Happy running Pilbara! :oD
