We stayed at a B&B in a little place called Cowaramup just outside Margaret River and used it as a base to explore the wineries, cheese factories, chocolate factory, gourmet food outlets (spotting a common theme here??). I went for a run along a trail which was beautiful!!
Thinking I was a good girl, I washed my sports bra - my beautiful firm Enell bra which cost a FORTUNE - and hung it up in the bathroom, then promptly left it there when we headed to Denmark. I didn't notice until I went to go for a run and I was devestated!!! It was 5 hours drive away and not possible to go back for it. We rang the B&B and they still had it and will mail it home for us (thankfully) but my funrun is on Sunday and it won't arrive before then!!!! I was in tears trying to explain to hubby that I couldn't run without my bra. He, of course, thought it was all a bit silly - after all I have heaps of bras right? Eventually I was able to sort of explain the importance of the bra and hubby, bless him, drove us to a lingerie shop and I bought a Berlie bra - which was the most supportive one I could find. I'll use it Sunday but it won't be the same!!!! So my memory of Albany will be buying a sports bra. Ah well, I guess it's not a holiday without some sort of experience. So, after all that, I was away 4 days and ran once! But man what a run. It was 5km taken really slowly and I managed the first 4km in 32 minutes!! Fast for me!!! I'm on track for a close to 30minute time on Sunday!!!!!!!!! And not running for the past 3 days is...... tapering. At least I'll be fresh!
But our little holiday was wonderful. We saw some amazing things. WA is an awesome state. It was the first time down south for me so I was playing tourist! We had a great time which consisted of far too much food.
Thank you to everyone's supportive comments. I'll let you know how I go on Sunday! I'm very excited - new bra and all.
Margaret River is one of my most favourite places down south :)
Good luck for Sunday Celeste, I look forward to reading your race report. Have fun and "you go girl"!!!
I have been to Margaret River with two different boyfriends and one good buddy- I love it there but it is the cheese factory that is my friend every time! Good luck for the run tomorrow- I am sure you will be fine. I like to prepare for each fun run by going to the "ladies" about five times.
I'm so jealous - I would love to go to Margaret River for all the same reasons you have described - mmmm, the food.
I'm with you with the sports bra. I had to run 1km recently when I left my keys at the beach and I had just a normal bra on. I looked like a dick but I had to hold my ladies down. Didn't look good and it didn't feel good but I did find my keys
Celeste, all the best for the run on Sunday, I'm sure it will be awesome, and the power of the crowd will push you along to a great time !
I've been as far north as Cevantes and as far south as Margaret River and as far inland as Cunderdin, I really should see more of WA, I said I won't go over East untill I've seen it all.
Oh and don't forget Rottnest Island, it's lovely. I enjoyed our sight seeing down there too, it's the major surfing venue.
Good luck with your run, where about will that be?
Good luck tomorrow and most importantly enjoy yourself.
Wow that sounds like one special bra. I'm always on the lookout for a good one (currently have 3 Berlies on rotation) but I'm now inspired to try this brand. Where did you get it??
I am looking forward to hearing about your run Celeste. All the best.
I have never been to Margaret River, but from what I have heard you couldn't possibly go there and NOT have wine and cheese :-)
It's so much fun running in strange places though.
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