Friday, October 05, 2007

Getting faster?

Today I apparently managed almost 4km in 33 minutes. But I think Percy was lying to me because he told me my fastest pace was a 3.43min/km!!! Not sure what happened there. I did three 5 minute runs and although it wasn't fast, I felt relatively comfortable. Not super comfortable, but confident I would make the time. I guess that's something.

Pretty ordinary weather today. Overcast and a little nippy. I hope that means I have sent the beautiful weather over east for the MM runners. Good luck guys, especially Andrew. I'll be thinking of you all.


Kathryn said...

That's some super bursts of speed :D

2P said...

Nice work Celeste - crossing the road in front of a truck is good for getting that burst speed up ;)

Andrew(ajh) said...

Thanks Celeste, I'm sure the positive vibes from across the Nullaboor will help me across the line on Sunday!

Kathy said...

Way to go Celeste! I really enjoy that feeling when I know I can get there. It's great, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I am still catching up on everyone after being away for work. I am so glad to be reading about some consistent running from you, I am sure you are stoked to be getting into it again.

Keep it up :-)