Well I'm thrilled to report I managed 20 minutes today! It's given me a huge confidence boost. I've been looking forward to this run since Monday when I decided I'd give it a go. Since I don't run every day, I had to content myself with a bike ride yesterday. This morning I had no problem getting out of bed, although it was very hot overnight. Kind of reminded me of Karratha - poor buggers are already getting 27 overnight. But here the heat was because it was overcast, not that it's really heat!!! I was awake before the alarm and while I contemplated whether or not to get up early, the alarm went off. Out the door in five minutes flat intent on making 20 minutes. I took it really slow, even for me, but I finished strongly. I'm still sitting at about 8 minutes a km but I don't care anymore. I know 20 minutes is not really a big deal, but I'm excited. Now to jump on the bike again and ride to work.
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Good on ya Celeste, I agree it's all about the enjoyment rather than the speed or distance, as long as you feel good and have fun!
I reckon 20 mins is a huge deal - look at it as a % improvement from last week and it's major!
I agree totally with Kathryn, 20 minutes is a huge big deal...
Soon it'll be 25 minutes, then 30 minutes, then 60 minutes, and in no time you'll be running 1/2 marathons!!
Well done on the twenty minutes Celeste! Your route looks like an interesting one.
20 minutes is major! And pace doesn't matter at all. Great that your confidence is up.
That's terrific Celeste. You're being so sensible, building back up with a structured program. I am sure that you'll reap the benefits.
My trainer always encourages us to try to finish strongly. She says it's good for us to know we've got something left in us at the end of the run.
dont downgrade the 20 mins.. i remember when i was injured(not so long ago)... i was hanging out to do 20 mins...(i need to take some of my OWN advice) or some reason its one of those 'special' numbers :) im happy for you
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