Sunday, December 10, 2006

Another 10km

I ran/walked the same 10km route as last week this morning. I didn't time it - not even taking my watch. I ran when I wanted to run and walked when I wanted to walk. It was great! I managed to leave very early and ran the first 4km in the dark. It was so lovely and cool. There were no flies either - bliss! Then the sun came up and the flies woke up. I had almost forgotten about them in the dark, but they were out with a vengence. I swollowed the second fly that flew into my mouth (managing to spit out the first one) - I'm still gagging to think about it. That slowed me to a walk for a few minutes while I coughed and spluttered. It was enough to make me put the fly net on and I ran the last 6km wearing it. The sun was fully up for the last 2km and by then I was running maybe a minute at a go. But I definitely ran a lot more than I walked and I enjoyed it!

Scott, I didn't see any other runners this morning but there were a couple of walkers. Sometimes I will see one or two other people running but not often. Yesterday I saw a fellow running in the afternoon! It must have been 40 degrees. He looked like he was struggling but good on him for getting out there I guess.


Vicky said...

Hi Celeste, I really admire you for getting out there with that heat and the flies at all, so good on you! I can't even imagine it!
You are doing great and as I've said before, don't worry about your pace, that will improve over time. Just keep enjoying it.

Cheers, MAR.

MorseyRuns said...

Swallowing the fly might have made me stop completely! I imagine running with a hat with corks hanging off it when the flies drive me crazy but I never thought about using a net- you are very dedicated!

beakus said...

Oh my, running with a fly net on... I think I would have to do that if they were really bad, I hate the little beggers! Still, look upon it as extra protein :oD
