Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cooler weather

I don't know if it is me getting up earlier, but it has definitely been cooler for the last week or so. This morning I did 6km (including a short walk break) and there was one stretch where a cool breeze hit me! I remember being surprised and I wonder if that is what it is like for "normal" runners (who live in "normal" places).

I am hoping to get to Perth in the next week and I am looking forward to going for a run! I'll be able to compare temperatures then.

Today I ran my new route again, and was intending on trying for 7km but about 4km in, I felt a niggle in my right calf. Like any good runner, I kept going hoping it would go away. When it didn't go away, I stopped and walked for a while, deciding to go for 6km instead. The niggle went away and I forgot about it and started running again. It came back again just before I finished, so I stopped again and walked home. I made sure I stretched really well (of course that could be the WORST thing I could have done!!) and it seems OK now. Tomorrow is a cross training day and Saturday is a rest day - so I reckon I'll be fine come my next 10km run on Sunday.

I passed an old man walking today. He could hear me coming behind him. I was on the road and he was on the footpath. He thought I was on the road to go past him so he got off the footpath for me. (I was on the road because it is easier than the footpath.) When he realised I was taking a very long time to catch up, he hopped back onto the footpath. He turned around again and saw I was still trying to catch up so he stopped and gestured that I should have the footpath. I smiled and said thanks and told him I was on the road deliberately. He was being nice, but it just reinforced to me (again) how slow I am going!! Sigh.

I hope this beaut weather holds for a while longer.


Ruune said...

I am sure that the leg will be fine. I get niggles from time to time when running and have learnt that sometimes it is better to just cut the run short and go home than risk an injury.

beakus said...

"like any good runner, I kept going and hoping it would go away..."

Classic :oD

Calves can be prone to niggles, give them a bit of a rub to work out any tension, that often works for me of very cranky calf. If you've got a couple of days off running you should be fine, just keep an eye on it.

Got to love a cool breeze when running - I just cannot function on hot days, possibly due to being a northern hemispherean originally, so hats off to you Pilbara for getting out there on those days when it's reallly hot.
