Saturday, March 24, 2007

No running :(

I don't know what I've done to my leg, but ever since the run on Wednesday it's been SORE! It's more in the shin area and I am paranoid about shin splints, so I haven't run on it. It's now day three of no running and it's still not better. I wish there was someone I could ask, but this running malarky is still too new for me to know anyone.

I was supposed to run 10km tomorrow with Bob, so I might go along and ask him then. If he says I shouldn't run, then I won't. Gosh I don't want an injury. I think perhaps my 18km stupidity took more out of me than I thought.

Anyway, I'm very unhappy and frustrated. I want to run, but I don't want a long term injury. I don't even know what is wrong. Would a massage help? Should I see a physio? Should I just stay off it for a while? Am I panicking over nothing?

And just when my fitness was starting to improve.



Ruune said...

That sucks, Celeste. But for goodness' sake be sensible. Do some cross training or something if you are not sure about the shin, because the last thing you want to do is make it work.

Kathy said...

Celeste, no wonder there'd been no stories from you. I have been checking each day, because I enjoy reading them so much. I do hope your shin stops hurting soon.

In the absence of having anyone to ask, why not google shin splints?

In the meantime, I think deege's suggestion to cross-train is great advice.

MorseyRuns said...

If I get sore shins I use it as an excuse to buy new runners! Hope it gets better though and I like the cross training idea.

LBTEPA said...

No, I mean it. Nip this sucker in the bud :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no Celeste!!

First thought was maybe its your shoes but I think you need to go and get it looked at. Otherwise you will end up going in circles trying to sort it out. Find a professional diagnosis but in the meantime rest/ice it and x-train.

Samurai Running said...

Can you try to describe it in more detail Celeste? I can try to help if I know a little more.

Cheers, chin up.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I thought you'd been a bit quite - that's no good at all. I hope it turns out to be nothing ... my fingers will be crossed for you.

2P said...

Hey Celeste it could be lots of things but no matter what it is some ice treatment will only help - put some ice in a plastic bag - wet a face cloth or tea towel and place it on your leg - then place the ice bag on the wet cloth - keep it on for 20 mins - repeat on the hour.

Some anti-inflammatory gel like voltaren or nuerofen will also help - voltaren rapid in the best over the counter med.

If it doesn't start to get better in a couple of days go see a sports physio - preferraby one that is a runner.

You might want to ask Trailblazer - he is a westralian blogger for local advice here