Friday, March 30, 2007

Final hit out before Sunday

A short run this morning, so as not to overdo it before Sunday. 5km in what I thought was slow but ended up being 43 minutes. (Which I guess IS slow, but not as slow as I thought.)

I'm still a bit worried about my shins. I'm icing them at the moment, but there was a bit of pain this morning. More so when I finished. I've been trying to stretch and I've been using Nurofen gel so I guess I'll just have to take it semi-easy until they get better. I've got my new shoes now too, so hopefully I'm not putting more pressure on them.

This morning I thought I'd try to run on my toes. I tend to run on my forefoot, but I flap. Loudly. Bob suggested I try and run as "quietly" as possible. Since I run on my forefoot anyway, this would help me run on my toes. I did that for a couple of k this morning, but I couldn't sustain it. It wasn't natural for me, so I guess I'll have to keep working on it. Forefoot running is better than heel running, but toe running is better again - especially with shin splints. I must admit I was also inspired by Em who said that it came as a revelation to her that she no longer "flapped". The sooner I can learn to run properly, the quicker my times will improve - or that's the theory.

Sunday is looming and I am excited. Like most of my fellow runners in Melbourne doing the R4K, I have planned where to park and when to leave home, where to meet people, what to wear, what to drink, eat - everything. I am very excited. This will be my first timed 10km. Phew! How amazing is that?? If anyone happens to be in Perth, and notices number 825 pant across the line after about an hour and 20 something minutes - come and say hi!! That's if you can catch me!!!


beakus said...

Aw, Celeste, you sound soooo excited :oD it's great! good plan with those shins... have you tried a bit of self massage too? I use one ankle to do the other shin, it feels so lovely afterwards :o)

As for the forefoot running... I am a foot flapper too :o( and like you, the forefoot running felt way too odd when I tired it. Now I just try to make less noise, so gentle footfalls, if that makes sense?

I can't wait for the big day! I am sure you will have a fantastic run :oD


Sarah said...

I wouldn't even know if I ran on my heels, toes, forefoot ???? clueless!!!

You sound so excited about Sunday - I hope you have a fabulous day and achieve all that you want to. I'm excited for you!!! Will be thinking of you and can't wait to hear your race report!

Anonymous said...

Have a great day on Sunday .... a busy day for runners.

And make sureto give us all a race report ... :-)

Take care
Eat Em

Anonymous said...

All the best Celeste, just start easy, settle in, maybe take a quick walk break thru drink stops but most importantly have a fantastic time, looking forward to hearing all about it.

Kathy said...

I'm really excited for you Celeste. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

There are so many theories about how you should run that I'm totally confused. I'm reading Chi Running at the moment, and I find it really good. I don't think I'm a foot flapper!

I love the "that's if you can catch me!" Nowadays, when people say "I'll catch up with you" I say "Only if I slow down and let you."

Andrew(ajh) said...

Good luck on Sunday ! I think that the important thing with your feet is where they hit the ground in relation to the rest of you, from my reading they should hit the ground under your centre of gravity. If they are striking out in front of you too much, especially on the heel, it is like applying the brake each step. There you go, something else to think about.

Flea said...

All the best for Sunday Celeste!!
Thx for little man's birthday wishes!

Anonymous said...

Good luck for Sunday Celeste :) Its so exciting!! Really looking forward to your race report. Have a great day :D

Wanda Ring said...
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Wanda Ring said...

I have looked into my magic running sock and I predict that you will do better than you expect!

Make sure you don't let the crowd sweep you away at the start at a pace that is faster than you can handle.

Run your own race and stay focused!

Hydrate well TODAY! will be a warm run and as you know,there isn't a whole lot of shade on that course.

I'll be the one in black shorts,red top and really disgraceful looking "lucky" black sun visor

Hope we win! :)

Samurai Running said...

It's Sunday already and I think you are running as I write. Well , I'm sure you're doing your best and I expect that after you catch your breath you will be hooked on racing.

Looking forward to your next post.