Friday, March 02, 2007

I overtook a jogger!

Miracle of Miracles - I overtook two joggers today!! Well, maybe they weren't really jogging - they were doing a Cliffy Young shuffle but slower! Two Asian gentlemen, clearly in no hurry and just enjoying the sights of our wonderful river. I could see them in front of me and I was sort of just maintaining the distance between us. Every now and then, I would look up and the distance would be smaller. I'm not sure if they slowed down or if I sped up, but all of a sudden my little "milestone" instinct took over and I decided I would try and overtake them! I pushed hard and knew I would need to maintain the speed (whilst still trying to keep my breath even, so they didn't know what a thrill it was for me!!) and I had to keep going once I'd passed them, because they couldn't see me all puffed and stopping! That'd ruin the whole appearance! It was harder than I thought it would be, I needed to maintain my pace for about 500m (yes, we were going THAT slow!). But I did it!! I wanted to dance a jig but I had to concentrate on getting a lead on them. Shortly afterwards I was overtaken by two very fast ladies, whom I am quite certain were NOT planning their overtaking strategy on me. They were just going fast.

I wasn't expecting any milestones today, so I've had a pleasant bonus! I set out to do 7km and ended up covering 8 with a run/walk. I had another massage yesterday and the MT said I should be trying to run on my toes and leaning forward. So I tried to do that - it's MUCH harder that what I have been doing!! My calves didn't like me at all! I am also now running on the grass beside the path (my new home) because my MT politely suggested I was putting too much strain on my joints/muscles with the extra weight I am carrying. Since I do not want to snap my shins in half, I will do as he suggests.

Running on grass is much slower than bitumen. And it is harder work too! I was slower today than I have been for a while, but I realise that is the grass and not really my speed. There were parts of the path where the grass was not even and I had to run on the path, and I noticed my speed increase. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to run on my toes and not clench my fists, lightly touching my thumbs to my forefingers, letting my arms hang lower, relaxing my shoulders - goodness this running takes lots of concentration!!! Better to get the technique right while I'm a novice.


Kathy said...

Congratulations Celeste. I love hearing about all your milestones. I find it really encouraging. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Before you know it, you'll be overtaking people every day!

MorseyRuns said...

Nice work- I very very rarely overtaken anyone and I get overtaken by EVERYONE so I understand how good it is.

Anonymous said...

I overtook someone last week but then spent the rest of the run panicking that they'd launch a come back strike.
Well done for looking nonchalent throughout the process.

lg said...

YEAHHHHH! I'm dancing a jig in my head for you! I have never overtaken a jogger so I know how exciting this must be for you.

I think it's great when you get good advice like that. I used to run on the bike path when I was running with a friend (so we could run side by side) but when I started running by myself I ran on the grass and thought I would die! It was so hard to do, however, now I am used to it and when I have to run on the track for short periods of time it is harder. My friend also used to correct my technique just like what you describes and I often try to remind myself particularly when I am struggling like a dog!

May you overtake many more runners:P

Kathryn said...

Woohoo! That's tops.

Anonymous said...

Well done, before you know it, it'll become common place for you to overtake other runners.

2P said...

Nice work again Celeste - keep it going.

Anonymous said...

Well done, next you'll be doing vanity fartlek (that's when you speed up a bit when another runner approaches)

Someone told me once to pretend I was carrying eggs in my hands that I didn't want to break.

Flea said...

Great work Celeste! I just caught up on all your news and you are certainly making leaps every day!
Joondalup is near up north where I live!

running uphill said...

Well done Celeste! Just the first of many. Sounds like some good advice too.